A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Haarlem, Gijs | Midmac Bidding | 2004 |
Habib, David P & Manley, Brent | Contract Bridge for Social Players - a Quick Reference | 1993 |
Hackett, Paul | Bridge Notes for Beginners and More Experienced Players | 1985 |
Hackett, Paul & Hackett, Justin & Hackett, Jason | Practise Your Benjamin Two Bids | 2000 |
Hackett, Paul & Hackett, Justin & Hackett, Jason | Practise Your Forcing 1nt Response | 2001 |
Hackett, Paul & Hackett, Justin & Hackett, Jason | Practise Your Negative Doubles | 1997 |
Hackett, Paul & Hackett, Justin & Hackett, Jason | Practise Your Opening Leads | 1997 |
Hackett, Paul & Hackett, Justin & Hackett, Jason | Practise Your Pre-Emptive Bidding | 1997 |
Hackett, Paul & Hackett, Justin & Hackett, Jason | Practise Your Roman Key-Card Blackwood | 1997 |
Hackett, Paul & Hackett, Justin & Hackett, Jason | Practise Your Weak Twos | 1997 |
Hale, Glorya & Starr, Nancy | Bridge | 1998 |
Hale, Glorya & Starr, Nancy | Bridge | 1998 |
Hall, Burt & Rose-Hall, Lynn | How the Experts Win At Bridge | 1996 |
Hall, John S | Concise Contract 1936 | 1936 |
Hall, Peter | Competitive Bidding At Pairs | 1996 |
Hallen, Hans-Olof & Jannersten, Per & Hanner, Olof | Bridge Movements/A Fair Approach | 1994 |
Hamilton, Fraser B | How to Bid and Win At Bridge | 1960 |
Hamilton-Gordon, Hugh | Standard Contract | 1935 |
Hamman, Bob (Robert) | Opening Preempts (Championship Bridge Series No. 24) | 1981 |
Hamman, Bob (Robert) & Manley, Brent | At the Table My Life and Times | 1994 |
Hamman, Bob (Robert) & Manley, Brent | At the Table My Life and Times | 1996 |
Hankin, Sam (Samuel J) | Common Sense Bridge | 2000 |
Hanlon, tom & Murphy, Enda | A Bridge too Far | 2007 |
Hanna, William & Steen, Douglas | Precision Power Bidding | 1956 |
Hanson, Eugene Montgomery | Bridge by the Winner Method | 1960 |
Hardy, Max | Advanced Bridge Bidding for the Twenty-First Century | 2002 |
Hardy, Max | Competitive Bidding with Two Suited Hands | 1996 |
Hardy, Max | Five Card Majors, Western Style | 1974 |
Hardy, Max | Forcing Notrump Responses | 1984 |
Hardy, Max | Fourth Suit Forcing | 1984 |
Hardy, Max | New Minor Forcing/Fourth Suit Forcing/Forcing Notrump Responses | 1984 |
Hardy, Max | The Problems with Major Suit Raises and How to Fix Them | 1998 |
Hardy, Max | Splinters and Other Shortness Bids | 1987 |
Hardy, Max | Splinters and Other Shortness Bids | 1990 |
Hardy, Max | Standard Bridge Bidding for the Twenty-First Century | 2000 |
Hardy, Max | Two Over One Game Force | 1987 |
Hardy, Max | Two Over One Game Force Quiz Book | 1993 |
Hardy, Max | Two Over One Game Force/Revised/Expanded/Updated for the 1990's | 1997 |
Haring, Robert C & Thurman, Jan & Munday, Robert | Market Characteristics of the American Contract Bridge League | 1978 |
Harkness, Kenneth | Invitation to Bridge | 1950 |
Harrington, Pat | Modern Notrump Bidding Teacher Manual | 2005 |
Harris, Larry | Bridge Director's Companion | 1988 |
Harris, Larry | Bridge Director's Companion | 1991 |
Harris, Larry | Bridge Director's Companion | 1995 |
Harris, Larry | Bridge Director's Companion | 1999 |
Harris, Larry | Bridge Player's Companion | 1991 |
Harris, Larry | Director's Quick Reference Companion (Dqrc), an Abridgement of Bdc, the Laws, Groner and ACBL Score | 1996 |
Harris, Stanley | Aces and Kings/A Study of Modern Auction Bridge | 1930 |
Harris, Stanley | Fundamental Principles of Contract Bridge | 1946 |
Harrison, Ruth | The Player's Guide to the Rules of Duplicate Bridge | 1989 |
Harrison-Gray, Maurice | Country Life Book of Bridge | 1972 |
Harrison-Gray, Maurice | Losing Trick Count | 1983 |
Hart, Norman De Villiers | Bridge Players' Bedside Book: Leading Questions Asked and Answered, and Forty-One Problem Hands from Play Collected And... | 1939 |
Hart, Norman De Villiers | Daily Telegraph and Morning Post Book of Contract Bridge | 1938 |
Hart, Norman De Villiers | Daily Telegraph and Morning Post Book of Contract Bridge | 1938 |
Hart, Norman De Villiers | Slams a La Culbertson | 1937 |
Hartley, J G | Teach Yourself Contract Bridge | 1949 |
Hasenson, Peter | British Bridge Almanack | 2004 |
Hasler, Alexander Thomas | Duplicate Bridge Simplified | 1935 |
Hasler, Alexander Thomas | Duplicate Bridge/Auction Or Contract | 1933 |
Hasney, Chris & Pottier, Jerry | The Basic American Bidding System | 1998 |
Hasney, Chris & Pottier, Jerry | The Intermediate American Bidding System | 1998 |
Hathorn, John B | The Secrets of Tactical Bridge | 1961 |
Hathorn, John B | Your Best Defense | 1960 |
Hattersley, Lelia Marie Chopin | Auction and Contract Bridge Clarified | 1927 |
Hattersley, Lelia Marie Chopin | Contract Developments | 1928 |
Hattersley, Lelia Marie Chopin | Contract Developments | 1930 |
Hattersley, Lelia Marie Chopin | How to Play the Culbertson System | 1931 |
Havas, George | Australian Book of Bridge | 1979 |
Havner, Roy R | Twenty-Five Points Is Game! | 1947 |
Hawthorn, Amanda & Horton, Mark | Improve Your Bridge | 2000 |
Hayden, Dorothy | Bid Better, Play Better | 1966 |
Hayden, Dorothy | Bid Better, Play Better | 1970 |
Hayden, Dorothy | Winning Declarer Play | 1969 |
Hayden, Dorothy | Winning Declarer Play | 1970 |
Hayden, Dorothy | Winning Declarer Play | 1970 |
Heath, Forrest Atherton & Beebe, Henry W | Seven-Eleven | 1933 |
Heaton, Rose & Bosworth, Phyllis | Contract with James | 1935 |
Hellespont (Claude Beaman) | The Laws and Principles of Bridge Stated and Explained and Its Practice Illustrated by Means of Hands Played Completly Through | 1903 |
Hellespont (Claude Beaman) | The Laws and Principles of Bridge Stated and Explained and Its Practice Illustrated by Means of Hands Played Completly Through | 1904 |
Hellespont (Claude Beaman) | The Laws and Principles of Bridge Stated and Explained and Its Practice Illustrated by Means of Hands Played Completly Through | 1905 |
Hellespont (Claude Beaman) | The Laws and Principles of Bridge Stated and Explained and Its Practice Illustrated by Means of Hands Played Completly Through | 1910 |
Hellman, Sam | Low Bridge and Punk Pungs | 1924 |
Hellman, Sam | Toll Bridge | 1930 |
Helms, Jerry | Helms to Hello | 1996 |
Herring, Barbara | A History of Coffs Harbour Bridge Club | 2006 |
Hervey, George John Frangopulo | The Bridge Player's Bedside Book | 1964 |
Hervey, George John Frangopulo | Contract Bridge Dictionary | 1934 |
Hervey, George John Frangopulo | Headlights On Contract Bridge | 1931 |
Hester, a R | The Hester "Winning Count" System | 1951 |
Hewlett, David | Bridge Bidding System /Evolved Acol | 2007 |
Hingley, S H | Hints On Auction Bridge: Including the New Portland Club Laws (January 1924) | 1925 |
Hingley, S H | Hints On Royal Auction Bridge, Including the The New Portland Club Laws (June 1914) | 1914 |
Hingley, S H | Hints On Royal Auction Bridge, Including the The New Portland Club Laws (June 1914) | 1920 |
Hiron, Alan & Hiron, Maureen | Beginning Bridge | 1989 |
Hiron, Alan & Hiron, Maureen | Easy Guide to Bridge | 1994 |
Hirsch, Tannah | 1970 World Championship Book | 1970 |
Hirsch, Tannah | 1971 World Championship Book | 1971 |
Hirschowitz, Sam & Eber, Neville | You too Can Play Bridge Well | 1972 |
Hobbs, D J & Booth, E C & Beaton, C J | Bridge/Learn to Play the Easy Orbital Way | 2000 |
Hodgins, Don & Hodgins, Maurine | Hodgins Convention | 1981 |
Hodson, Selwyn & Kendrick, Jack H | Auction Bridge Without Tears | 1924 |
Hodson, Selwyn & Kendrick, Jack H | Auction Bridge Without Tears | 1929 |
Hoffman, Martin | Defence in Depth | 1985 |
Hoffman, Martin | Hoffman On Pairs Play | 1982 |
Hoffman, Martin | More Tales of Hoffman | 1983 |
Hoffman, Martin & Granovetter, Matthew | Jenny Mae the Bridge Pro | 1994 |
Hoffman, Martin & Smith, Marc | Over Hoffman's Shoulder | 2001 |
Hoffman, Martin & Wei-Sender, Kathie | On the Other Hand | 1994 |
Hoffman, Martin & Wei-Sender, Kathie | The Wei of Good Bridge | 2003 |
Holmes, F L & Brinsmade, Estelle | Your Bridge Psychology | 1932 |
Holmes, Leah Theresa Britton & Britton, J G | The Nonsense System of Contract Bridge | 1936 |
Holzman, Elsie | Auction Bridge/Explained in A Simple and Practical Way | 1922 |
Horn, Alfie Casey | Contract Bridge/Limited Opening Bids | 1977 |
Horton, Mark | Better Signalling Now | 2002 |
Horton, Mark | Defences to a Strong Club | 1982 |
Horton, Mark | The Hands of Time | 2005 |
Horton, Mark | The Mammoth Book of Bridge | 1999 |
Horton, Mark | Misplay These Hands with Me | 2007 |
Horton, Mark | Simple Conventions | 2000 |
Horton, Mark | Step-By-Step Signalling | 1994 |
Horton, Mark & Gitelman, Fred | Duplicate Bridge At Home | 2008 |
Horton, Mark & Kielbasinski, Radoslaw | The Bridge Magicians | 2001 |
Horton, Mark & Senior, Brian | For Love Or Money: the Life of A Bridge Journalist | 2000 |
Horton, Mark & Sowter, tony | Learn from the Stars | 1998 |
Horton, Sally | Double Trouble | 1993 |
Horton, Sally | A Fistful of Honours | 1985 |
Horton, Sally | Responding to Two Notrump | 1982 |
Howard, Denis | The New South Wales System (1970) | 1970 |
Howard, Denis | The New South Wales System | 1964 |
Huggett, Dave | Practise Your Transfer Bidding | 1997 |
Huggett, Dave & Cashmore, Stephen | Plan the Play: Problems in Declarer Play for Intermediate Players | 1998 |
Hughes, Boyd R & Woodson, William B | New Amateur Director's Guide | 1975 |
Hughes, Roy | Building a Bidding System | 2005 |
Hughes, Roy | Canada's Bridge Warriors | 2007 |
Hughes, Roy | Card by Card | 2006 |
Hughes, Spike | The Art of Coarse Bridge | 1970 |
Hulme-Beaman, a G | The Pons Asinorum, Or Bridge for Beginners | 1899 |
Husband, Pat | Master Duplicate Bridge, an Introduction | 1988 |
Husband, Pat & Kambites, Andrew | Overcalling in Acol | 1991 |
Husband, Pat & Klinger, Ron | Introduction to Acol Bidding | 1991 |
Husband, Pat & Klinger, Ron | Play Your Cards Right | 1991 |
Huske, William J & Replogle, J Leonard | Towie | 1934 |