What should I bid? (May 2021)


What should I bid? (May 2021)

The best submission for May came from Henry. He wins a voucher of $30 funded by TBIB, toward any purchase made at the Bridge Shop or Paul Lavings Bridgegear.

EW Vul
E Dealer
Q 9 8 4
A 4
Q 8 2
J 10 7 4
A K 7 6 5
K J 10 5 3
K 3
[ 6 ] 2
9 8 6 2
A 7 6 5 4
8 6 5
  J 10 3
Q 7
J 10 9
K Q 9 3 2

West North East South
    Pass Pass
1 Pass Pass Pass

Hi Andy,

From a teams game on BBO. I was W. At the other table, our S overcalled 2, W rebid 3 and ended in 4, +2. Partner suggested I could have opened 1 and reverse later. If I had opened 1, he would have bid 3 and I’d go to game. With four losers, I decided against 2 because of the 5-5 majors. Maybe 2 would have got us to 4 too. Would appreciate your advice. 

Many thanks. 

Regards, Henry


Hi Henry,

I think you can chalk this hand up as unlucky. I would also open 1 (though change the hand to AKxxx AKxxx Kx x and I would open 2), and would be left playing in 1 too. This is certainly a lesson hand for South, holding a doubleton heart and a 5332 shape, it is probably not the time to balance as the opponents may find a potential heart fit!

As for opening 1, this is what bridge players can be guilty of – resulting. Yes, 1 would have worked, but to say the plan is to open 1 and reverse into spades is a complete misdescription of the hand (i.e. you will never get to show 5-5, and if you do rebid the spades twice, that would imply a 5-6 shape) and misdescribing my hand is something I would never consider when I have an easy “1-followed-by-hearts-and-more-hearts” plan.

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