What should I bid? (March 2014)
The best submission for March came from Margaret Foster. She wins a voucher of $30 funded by TBIB, toward any purchase made at the Bridge Shop or Paul Lavings Bridge Books.
I am North. South is the dealer. Playing pairs.
♠ 42
♥ KJ5
♦ Q1072
♣ AQJ2
West | North | East | South |
1♦ | |||
Pass | 2♣ | Pass | 2♥ |
Pass | 2♠ | Pass | 2NT |
Pass | 3NT | All Pass |
Which meant we missed the diamond slam, but being pairs I didn’t want to end up in 5♦.
System is Standard with a 15-17 1NT
2♠ was 4th suit forcing to game.
(a) After 2♥, is 3♦ stronger or 2♠-2NT, 3♦?
(b) We play Minorwood, so playing teams I would bid 4♦ after the reverse of 2♥ risking the 5♦ contract. If it went 1♦-2♣, 2♥-3♦ would 3♠ be a cue or stopper ask?
I would be grateful for your advice – thank you.
Hi Margaret,
Assuming 2♥ was a reverse, then the 2♣ bid coupled with the 2♥ bid means that the auction is in a game force. This means that over 2♥, you can just bid 3♦ to show support. There shouldn’t be any need to distinguish between a direct 3♦ vs 2♠-2NT-3♦ because the auction is already in a game force. Besides, you had no guarantee that you could bid 3♦ after you bid 2♠ anyway, for the auction might go 1♦-2♣ // 2♥-2♠ // 3♦-? and now you don’t get to show your diamond support at all unless you want to bid it at the 4-level.
After 1♦-2♣ // 2♥-3♦, 3♠ should be stopper asking since it is the fourth suit (but could be an advanced cuebid if followed up with another cuebid) because when you have a minor suit fit, your first priority is to find 3NT.
Lastly, with your hand, over partner’s 1♦ opening I would make your systemic bid to show a forcing diamond raise (even if partner’s 1♦ opening can be 3). Most often partner will have four diamonds so I would like to show my diamond raise right away. If partner can have three diamonds, then the only hand shape for that would be 4=4=3=2 but in that case, you will play in 3NT anyway.
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Posted in Latest News on April 3, 2014