What should I bid? (January 2020)


What should I bid? (January 2020)

The best submission for January came from Les Bonnick . He wins a voucher of $30 funded by TBIB, toward any purchase made at the Bridge Shop or Paul Lavings Bridgegear.

NS Vul
S Dealer
K J 10 9 8 5 3

10 9 5
J 8 6
6 4
9 7 6 3
A K J 6 4
9 5
[ 15 ] A Q 7 2
10 5 4
A K 7 4 2
A K Q J 8 2
Q 8 3 2
Q 10 3


West North East South
Pass Pass 2 2
3 3 All Pass  

Basic Standard

How would bid this hand? Each time it was played, whoever played it ended up with bad results:

Contract Result Score Frequency
3 by NS -3 -300 1
3 by NS -3 -300 1
4 by NS -3 -300 1
3 by NS -4 -400 2
4 by NS -4 -400 1
4 by NS -5 -500 1

Thank you Andy

Hi Les,

I think one potential auction might be something as follows:

West North East South
Pass 1 2 2
Pass 2 Pass  ?

Whether South decides to pass 2 or rebid 3 is a bit of a guess. However, I would say that passing 2 is not that unreasonable – since South can see that their side is vulnerable, and that their partner could have passed 2 (we made a freebid of 2 – with six mediocre hearts we could have passed) but insisted on 2, South might decide to pass based on that reasoning. Whatever it is, I think it is unavoidable for N/S to go minus on this hand!


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