World Bridge Teams Dates, Playoff for 2022 Australian Teams, and PQP’s
WBF Updates:
The WBF have announced changed dates for the postponed the 2021 World Bridge Teams. The new dates are 27th March to 9th April. Refer announcement WBTC_1stInfoLetter.pdf ( .
Noting this change, and for the avoidance of doubt the TC and the Board confirm our previous decision regarding Australian Teams i.e. the current Australian teams’ tenure be extended to the end of March 2022 and include the revised World Bridge Teams dates.
The TC and the Board reaffirm our previous announcement regarding uncertainty regarding travel requirements and if ABF will be able to send representative teams. Any Board approval of travel and participation together with any offer to the teams will be considered closer to the proposed dates for events.
Dates for the Seniors and Mixed Playoffs have been changed to avoid revised World Bridge Teams Dates. The revised dates are:
- Seniors Playoff: A pairs event to be held in Canberra from 5th to 10th March 2022(1). Entry to the event to be to 12 pairs based on Seniors PQPs. The event will be concurrent with the Mixed Playoff.
- Mixed Playoff: A pairs event to be held in Canberra from 5th to 10th March 2022(1). Entry to the event to be to 12 pairs based on Mixed PQPs. The event will be concurrent with the Seniors Playoff.
(1) The dates are provisional only at this stage and are subject to change.
PQP’s for 2022 Playoffs
Again, for the avoidance of any doubt, PQP’s for the postponed ANC and Joan Prince Memorial Swan River Swiss Pairs will remain in the 2020/2021 PQP Awards Tables and count towards the 2022 Playoffs.
July 21, 2021
Posted in Latest News on July 21, 2021