Vale Denis Howard
Denis Howard died on 14th January 2023 aged 90.
He was the last of the ‘big four”, Tim Seres, Roelof Smilde and Dick Cummings and represented Australia at the Olympiads in 1964, 1968 and 1976.
Denis was the Chairman of the NSWBA and President of the ABF and WBF. He was the founding Editor of Australian Bridge and the bridge columnist for the National Times and other publications. In his professional life he was one of Sydney’s leading property lawyers and National Chairman of Mallesons Stephen Jaques, now known as King & Wood Mallesons.
He was a great man and friend to many.
His Funeral is to be held in the Lotus Pavilion at Macquarie Park Crematorium, Corner Delhi& Plassey Roads, Macquarie Park on Monday 23rd January 2023 at 10.00 a.m.
Tributes and Obituaries
Patrick Mullins, on behalf of King & Wood Mallesons
Posted in Latest News on January 20, 2023