Low vision initiative – financial support needed
Bill Hunt, one of the finest bridge players in Australia, has been teaching and playing our favourite game for over 60 years. Over the past 18 months he has been running a vital campaign to introduce low vision playing cards to Australian bridge clubs. A sufferer of low vision himself, he is acutely aware of the sight problems of older bridge players, many of whom suffer macular degeneration and other age-related vision problems.
The campaign needs and deserves financial support, especially since many contract bridge players in Australia are over the age of 65.
The low vision cards, which are now on sale by Paul Lavings, have numerals and denominations 20-30% bigger than those on standard packs, and labels with 30% larger text.
If you would like to see these enhanced cards, labels and bidding pads for yourself, you are welcome to visit Paul Lavings’ stand outside the playing area at the Gold Coast Congress on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd February 2015. Bill will be on hand to demonstrate their advantages to you in person.
Committee members of bridge clubs throughout Australia and overseas visitors should not miss the opportunity to view them. The packs of large index 100% plastic playing cards are $2.95 a pack and the plastic-coated are $2.50 a pack. These cards will be of immense benefit to your members.
Bill is asking all state and territory bridge associations for a small amount of financial assistance to complete the project – a donation of a mere $370 each to pay for the labels.
The amount envisaged is tiny in comparison with the enormous value of the initiative to our aging players. Imagine the difference it makes to elderly players if they are able to remain playing bridge for as long as they are capable of sitting at a bridge table.
Bridge keeps their brains active and challenges them to forget their problems, meet their friends, and have a fantastic day. What greater gift can clubs and bridge associations bestow on their members than a reason to jump out of bed in the morning, happy to be alive and intent on conquering 6NT?
Posted in Latest News on December 18, 2014