Expressions of Interest – 2nd Senior Team to 2019 APBF
The ABF has been invited to send a second Seniors’ team to the 2019 APBF in Singapore. The ABF is willing to endorse a second team although this team will be 100% self-funded and support will be limited to providing Australian team uniforms and payment of the entry fee. Please note that while the team is eligible to win the APBF, it will be non-contending for the purposes of winning a place at the D’Orsi Trophy.
Players wishing to nominate for any of these events need to lodge an expression of interest with the ABF Secretariat, as soon as possible and no later than close of business on 27 March 2019. This should include the names of all proposed team members, together with choice of playing Captain. Selection will be made using the following process which is in accordance with the selection policy for non-target events:
- The runner-up team** from the Seniors’ Playoffs;
- A team made up of pairs from the first to fourth placed teams in the Seniors’ Playoff. If more than two teams express interest then teams will be ranked by the sum of the partners’ Senior PQPs*;
- The highest ranked team from the most recent National Seniors Teams Championship (Canberra) in which all players are eligible for selection to the Australian Senior team;
- A team made up of pairs who contested the Seniors’ playoffs, and who are playing in their regular partnerships.
- A team made up of players who contested the 2019 playoffs. If two or more teams express interest, then teams will be ranked by the sum of the partners’ Senior PQP’s*. In the event that total team PQPs* are tied then the team with the higher number won in partnership (and therefore doubled) will qualify.
*PQP’s will be taken from the Seniors list.
** The runner-up team have indicated they will not be taking up the offer.
Kim Frazer
ABF Secretary
March 14 2019
Posted in Latest News on March 15, 2019