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What should I bid? (July 2014)

The best submission for July came from Justin Howard

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15th World Youth Teams Championships

Australia is sending two teams to the 15th World Youth Teams Championships in Istanbul

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14th Red Bull World Bridge Series, Sanya, China

Entries to the 14th Red Bull World Bridge Series, Sanya, China should be made by 1st September 2014.

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2015 Summer Festival of Bridge Prizes

Entry with subsidy to the 2015 Yeh Bros Cup will be the major prize at the 2015 Summer Festival of Bridge

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2014 Summer NABC

Gill and Hans defeat Cayne to qualify to the round of 16 but fall to Team Assael.

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Eilis Magner

A mass and funeral will be held for Eilis Magner at the Saints Mary and Joseph Catholic Cathedral, Armidale at 2pm Friday July 25.

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