Assistant Tournament Organiser, Summer Festival of Bridge
Arising out of recent strategic planning discussions, the ABF is taking a more proactive approach to succession planning and the replacement of key personnel going forward. In 2016, ABF Treasurer, Roy Nixon, stepped up and took on the role of Summer Festival of Bridge Tournament Organiser following the unfortunate and sudden illness of his predecessor, Sean Mullamphy. Roy, with the help of a Canberra-based team, is doing a great job. However, it was never his intention to fill the role for more than 2-3 years.
The ABF feels the time is now to put in place arrangements to deliver the Summer Festival from 2020. Held annually in Canberra in the middle two weeks of January, the Summer Festival is the premier ABF-run tournament. The event attracts over 1,000 bridge players of all standards to Canberra and generates significant income to the local economy. Initially, we are seeking expressions of interest for an Assistant Tournament Organiser position to work alongside Roy in 2018 for next year’s Summer Festival and learn what the job entails. Interested persons do NOT need to live in Canberra as the ABF is actively considering whether the present one-person job could be split in future years to separate out the planning, promotion and supply roles from the actual delivery of the event itself.
Interested persons should be prepared to discuss their suitability based around their having the following skills, knowledge and previous experience:
1. Well-developed planning skills for large events including:
- Government permit, approval or policy requirements
- Budgeting for large events
- Effective liaison and negotiation skills with service suppliers
- Ensuring event registration/entry and payment systems are simple and effective and integrate well with central accounting systems of the ABF
- Arranging for the supply of all required equipment and services at competitive rates
2. High level pre-event promotional skills:
- Identifying and delivering event sponsors
- Developing and implementing an effective marketing and promotion plan
3. A good understanding of risk management and strategies to mitigate risk:
- Insurance requirements
- Cash and fraud security
- First aid, health
- Dealing with young people
4. At the event, implement effective plans to ensure smooth running of the event and quick responses to problems that emerge.
5. Post-event, ensure:
- tidy up, removal of equipment and proper storage at ABF HQ
- all invoices are submitted promptly for payment
- appropriate thanks to staff, volunteers and sponsors
- timely report on event outcomes to ABF management
- suggest improvements for following year in all key areas
6. A knowledge of duplicate bridge and bridge tournaments is important but not essential as training will be given.
Remuneration will be negotiable in the range of $4,000 to $8,000 for an assistant training role in 2018.
Expressions of interest should be sent to ABF Secretary, PO Box 397, FYSHWICK, ACT 2609 or to by cob 7 May 2018.