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ABF Strategic Plan

Bridge in Australia 2022-2025

We are very excited to share our Strategic Plan on a page for bridge in Australia 2022- 2025. While the plan is in the format of an agenda for our organisation it really is all about our people whatever their role might be. Our plan is focussed on three key themes of Attracting, Developing and Retaining players, directors, scorers, organisers and volunteers of many kinds all supported by a band of committed and talented contractors. We all make up the Bridge Community in Australia around a game we love and want to share with as many Australians as we possibly can.

Our plan is for all of us, all groups, beginners and advancing players right through to our international teams. It’s for our officials and teachers and the hard-working committee workers and committed contractors. The pandemic thew a curve ball at Bridge in Australia and worldwide, an enormous challenge and we responded, demonstrating an agility that most thought was not possible. Online bridge saved us, but our home is at the table and so our new world will be combining all the great things that online brings along with our natural playing home at the table.

Our fifteen key priorities are targeted at helping us rise to the challenges ending up stronger in 2025 than we were when before the pandemic shook our world. We still have many challenges, and we need your enthusiastic help to deliver on those priorities.

Allison Stralow on behalf the ABF Council 1 March 2022

Principal goal to be bigger and stronger in 2025 than we were going into the pandemic. Target 37,000 players

  • Our plan is people and club focused
  • Bridge Australia TV has been announced and will be released in 2022
  • Our youth program has been revitalised and off to a bright start
  • 2022 will see the inaugural Australia wide Club knockout along with more exciting new offerings to be announced
  • Our tournament committee will be addressing every possible action to improve our international team performance
  • We will be actively promoting online lessons for beginners, Intermediate and advanced players
  • We will be addressing during the coming term of council the best organisation model to lead us into the future
  • Core development of MyABF will be completed, including congresses, club administration, online payments, masterpoints and scoring
  • Continued development of our Teacher and Director programs
  • Our player feedback program is in the process of being released with great ideas already being received and implemented
  • The pandemic brought us a new agility that will lead us towards 2025. 800 players played in the Online Summer Festival in January and the Gold Coast was its usual outstanding face to face self in February with 900 players back at the table having a ball. 

PDF File ABF Strategy 2022-2025 – Our Story

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