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Travel Policy for Overseas Destinations

ABF Travel Policy for Overseas Destinations

ABF travel policy for participation in overseas competitions by Australian representatives is as follows. This policy applies to players (teams, pairs, or individuals) and officials such as non-playing captains whom the ABF ratifies and may provide with a travel subsidy:

  • We only enter international representative events if the DFAT travel advice for the destination is level 1 (overall, exercise normal safety precautions) or two (high degree of caution). We will not enter events if the DFAT advice is level 3 or 4.
  • If DFAT increases its advice level following entry but before the event starts:
    • We will withdraw if the advice is elevated to level 4 (do not travel). Representatives will be required to reimburse the ABF for any travel subsidy already paid, except to the extent that they have already incurred expenses that are not recoverable under any policy of insurance1.
    • If the advice changes to level 3 (reconsider the need to travel), we will consider whether to take part on a case by case basis in consultation with the representatives. Individual players, pairs or teams will have the right to withdraw if they choose. For teams events, the rest of the team may continue if it still has enough members, and may augment in accordance with ABF rules. Arrangements for reimbursement of travel expenses as above will apply with respect to the withdrawal of each team member who chooses that option. In the event of augmentation, the ABF will not offer any subsidy above the amount recovered from the withdrawing player(s).
  • If DFAT increases its advice level to level 3 or 4 after players arrive at the venue, team captains in consultation with the designated ABF representative on site (if applicable), will be empowered to decide what action to take. Any costs incurred as a result will be a matter between participants and their travel insurers1.

1 Note that players are covered by an ABF travel policy, and are free to arrange their own cover if they wish. Tony Bemrose Insurance Brokers have advised that, to make a claim under the ABF travel insurance policy for cancellation costs, the DFAT advice would need to change to “do not travel”.

September, 2017

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