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Masterpoint Restricted Competitions at ABF Events


Intermediate    fewer than 750 MPs at cut-off date
Restricted        fewer than 300 MPs at cut-off date
Novice             fewer than 100 MPs at cut-off date

Some competitions may have alternative criteria

Cut-off date

Unless otherwise noted in an event’s Supplementary Regulations, the cut-off date for masterpoint restricted events will be the date of the masterpoint update released by the ABF Masterpoint Centre (ABFMPC) at the commencement of the quarter prior to the one in which the event is being held. (For example, for the Gold Coast Congress held in February, the cut-off date will be based on the ABF MPC update released in October of the previous year.)


  1. Unless otherwise noted in an event’s Supplementary Regulations, all members of a pair or team must satisfy the masterpoint restrictions of the event.
  1. Overseas players may apply to enter events restricted by masterpoint status only if they are eligible to play in events with similar criteria within their own NBO. Entry to any such event will only be granted after the applicant’s eligibility has been verified. The Tournament Organiser’s decision in respect to such eligibility is final and not subject to appeal.
  1. A player who has won two or more ABF events at a particular masterpoint level (or higher) is no longer eligible to enter any ABF events at that level. (Note: Events won which are of one day duration or events with fewer than 10 tables will not count towards the number of events won.) Notwithstanding, a player, who, at the time of winning their second such event has already entered an ABF event with a partner and/or teammates who are eligible, will be deemed eligible to compete in the entered event.

Updated 21 June, 2023

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