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Chief Tournament Director Appointment

Minimum Level of Director Accreditation Required for a CTD of an ABF National Event

National Directors accredited at Level-3 and Level-2 may be appointed to the position of Chief Tournament Director for certain specific ABF National Events. The general requirements and limitations relating to appointment are as follows:

National Level-3

  1. It must be a single-format event.
  2. The event shall not be one that awards Open PQPs.
  3. The total expected entry shall be less than 60 tables per session.
  4. The conditions of play must be such as to require the services of no more than two Nationally-Qualified Directors.

National Level-2

  1. The tournament may consist of more than one event however any event run simultaneously with another must employ the same playing schedule and use a similar format.
  2. The total expected entry size shall be less than 120 tables per session.
  3. The conditions of play must be such as to require the services of no more than four Nationally-Qualified Directors.
  4. The tournament shall not at any stage require the use of screens.
  5. The tournament shall not at any stage utilise a BBO presentation of the play.

National Level-1 (or above)

Level-1 Directors may act in the role of CTD at any National ABF or ABF licensed event

Using the above criteria leads to the following current breakdown of events:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Summer Festival of Bridge
Gold Coast Congress
Autumn Nationals
Victor Champion Cup
ANC – Championships
Spring Nationals
GNOT National Finals
Open Playoff
Mixed Playoff
Women’s & Seniors’ Playoffs
Tasmanian Festival of Bridge
Central West Festival of Bridge (from 2025)
Barrier Reef Congress
River City Gold
ANC – Congress
Coffs Coast Gold Congress
Swan River Swiss Pairs
Territory Gold
Canberra in Bloom
Australian Youth Week
HGR Memorial Congress
Golden West Swiss Pairs
Western Seniors Pairs

Tournament Organisers who are uncertain as to the status of a prospective appointee should liaise with the ABF National Event Coordinator.  Tournament Organisers may also apply to the National Event Coordinator for a review of an event’s classification or, in the case of special or unforeseen circumstances, for a temporary variation of the above conditions.

May, 2024

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