ABF Online Committee Interim Report (April 2023)


ABF Online Committee Interim Report (April 2023)

The ABF Online Bridge Committee presented its interim report to the 2023 ABF AGM on 3rd May . The Committee and Task Force will now be spending the next five months, consolidating all its findings, and doing more research to make a final presentation to the ABF Board in October. Included in this will be the input we get from our New Zealand counterparts, as they work through their trial online events during the year.

Please also refer to an article which our group prepared called ‘What does Bridge look like in 2035’.

If you would like to contribute any feedback, please do so by contacting Jenny Thompson at jenny.thompson@duckcube.com.

PDF File ABF Online Committee Interim Report Summary

PDF File ABF Online Committee Online Interim Report

PDF File What does Bridge look like in 2035?

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