ABF Mid-Term and Management Committee Meetings November 21-22, 2020
ABF Mid-Term General Meeting November 21st
ABF Management Committee Meeting November 22nd
Major Items and Decisions
Technology Project Update
The ABF is pleased to announce a tentative launch date of 1st January 2021 for Project Cobalt, the ABF’s new strategic IT platform. Release 1 of Cobalt contains basic functionality to support Forums, Payments, Congresses and viewing Masterpoints. We will provide more information nearer the launch, but you will be required to register through the platform and set up your account. This will be the main system for the administration of bridge in Australia and offers a number of benefits to members, clubs and states:
- An immersive experience for users, with the system tailored to your preferences, showing your congresses, your results (coming soon) and your team mates
- The ability to run a Bridge Credits account linked to your credit card, that can eventually pay for all of your bridge wherever you play
- Forums for you to discuss things that matter to you with like-minded members
- Streamlined congress entry that lets you enter events and pay for them in a few seconds
Release 2, which is scheduled for later in the year, will provide the ability for clubs to collect fees for their normal duplicate sessions using Bridge Credits. Subsequent releases will add Results, Scoring, Masterpoints and other features for players.
Two videos have been prepared to provide an overview of the system.
We thank the Steering Committee for guiding this project: Geoff Schaller, Ian McKinnon, John Grosvenor, Matthew McManus, Neil Williams, Peter Busch, Peter Reynolds and Stephen Fischer. If you have any questions please contact Julian Foster: julian.foster@abf.com.au.
New Masterpoint Ranking
The ABF Council discussed the lack of recognition for club players who acquire 1000 masterpoints but who do not have sufficient gold and/or red points to achieve the rank of Grand Master. The ABF Council approved recognition of these players designating them as members of the ‘One Thousand Club’. Masterpoint Award certificates will be issued to all players in this category in due course.
ABF Capitation Fee 2021
To further support clubs struggling who have been impacted financially, and to assist with the costs of managing COVID 19 such as cleaning and sanitising, Council agreed that the ABF capitation fee is to be reduced to $10 per member for 2021. This is a one off reduction and the fee for 2022, subject to agreement by Council at the AGM in 2021, will be $16.30. There will also be no increase in the current fee Masterpoint fees for 2021.
Australian Bridge Federation Limited
The ABF has completed the process of moving from a company incorporated under ACT legislation to a company incorporated under federal legislation. The company limited by guarantee is now titled Australian Bridge Federation Limited.
ABF Foundation Trustees
Andrew Richman, Chairman of the ABF Foundation, presented an overview to Council of the process undertaken to formally establish the ABF Foundation. Information on the launch of the ABF Foundation will be in the December edition of the ABF Newsletter.
Plans for ABF and ABF Licensed Events to November 2020 – April 2021
The Golden West ran smoothly with all Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines adhered to. The first face- to-face event scheduled for 2021 will be the Tasmanian Gold Swiss Pairs. This congress will be held from 9-11th April 2021 at the Elwick Function Centre, Hobart.
Advice on other events will follow when there is a clearer picture of the viability of running the event.
Feedback & Future Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. The next ABFMC Meeting will be held via Zoom in December 2020.
2020- 2022 ABF Management Committee
Allison Stralow (President), Kim Frazer (Secretary), Ian Thomson, (Treasurer), Adel Abdelhamid, Rob Ward
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary), Geoff Chettle (Legal Counsel), Michael Bryan (Deputy Legal Counsel)
Posted in Latest News on November 28, 2020