ABF MC Strategic Review March 2 and MC Meeting March 3, 2019
ABF Strategic Review
On Saturday the ABF Management Committee, the Head of Marketing and National Technology Coordinator undertook a review of the ABF Strategic Plan. Thank you to Gregory Lewin and Angela Turrell from Global Sapphire who volunteered their time to facilitate the workshop. The 2019-2021 Strategic Plan will be presented to ABF Council at the Annual General Meeting in Canberra in April.
National Event Coordinators
The ABF has renewed contracts with Laurie Kelso and Matthew McManus as National Event Coordinators, until 2021. They will continue to maintain the corporate memory for ABF and licensed events and offer advice on policy ideas to both the ABF Tournament and ABF Management Committees. We thank them for the work they have done thus far.
Daily Bridge Column
The ABF Daily Column had a successful launch on March 1st. This is a service we agreed to provide as newspapers are phasing out bridge columns in their papers. It is suitable for all levels as they pose problems and provide solutions, rather than talk about systems.
This daily bridge column is accessible by subscription only and at $1 a week, $52 a year it affordable to all. More information can be found at www.abf.com.au/daily-column/
Appointment of SFoB Tournament Organiser 2020
The Management Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of Jane Reynolds to the position of SFoB Tournament Organiser for 2020. We thank Roy Nixon for his three years as Tournament Organiser and the endless hours he spent to ensure the event ran smoothly.
Appointment of ABF Newsletter Editor
The Management Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of Brad Coles as the new ABF Newsletter editor.
Brad’s experience as editor of Australian Bridge, as well as the online Novice Magazine, will complement our newsletter and advance our aim to provide a publication for players of all levels. Once again we thank the out-going editor Barbara Travis for her work over the past two years.
ABF Technology Strategy
Technology development is one of the ABF priorities. The ABF Management Committee is pleased to present the ABF Technology Strategy 2019-2021. A large number of people have contributed to the strategy and the ABF thanks them all. We thank Mark Guthrie, the National Technology Coordinator for the strategy document that succinctly reviews the current state of technology in bridge in Australia and articulates the way forward for the next three years. The pilot trial at the Gold Coast Congress of the SMS notification of results to players for the round and the next draw was a great success and is one of many initiatives players will see in the coming months.
More information can be found at ABF Technology Strategy Summary Dec2018
International Performance Task Force
Kim Frazer stepped down from the role as Chairman of the International Performance Task Force at the end of February 2019 and we thank her for the work she has done in establishing this committee and implementing several initiatives in this important area.
The ABF Management Committee is pleased to announce that Sheila Bird is the new chairman of this committee. Sheila will bring her experience as an international representative player to this role.
She will continue to sit on the Tournament Committee and this will provide a good link between the two committees.
James O’Sullivan Trust Fund
The ABF wishes to remind clubs that funds of up to $50,000 are available in the JoS Trust Fund as a loan at minimal interest to carry out renovations, acquire club premises or for the updating of equipment. Applications are to be lodged in the first instance with the Secretariat of the ABF, secretariat@abf.com.au, attention the Chairman of the JOS Trust.
John Wignall
The ABF presented a plaque to John Wignall (pictured below with his wife Adele) as appreciation of his 32 years as President of Zone Seven. We welcome Ben Thompson to the role and look forward to working with him in the future. Thank you to the QBA, Tim Runting and Kim Ellaway for hosting us at the Gold Coast Victory Dinner.
Posted in Latest News on March 6, 2019