ABF Management Committee Meetings October 27-28, 2018
ABF Management Committee Communique
ABF Mid-Term General Meeting October 27th
ABF Management Committee Meeting October 28th
The ABF Strategic Review
The ABF Strategic Review 2015 – 2019 will be updated at the March meeting of the ABF Management Committee. The 2020-2025 ABF Strategic Review will be tabled at the 2020 ABF Annual General Meeting in April.
Scoring Program Backups
The Management Committee and Tournament Committee identified a key risk dependency associated with scoring programs used in ABF, ABF licensed events and in other events. Following a recommendation from the Tournament Committee, a working group comprising Mark Guthrie, Therese Tully, Laurie Kelso and John McIlrath will be formed to review a number of matters relating to scoring programs used at ABF events.
Teacher Development
The Management Committee has agreed that States and Territories can submit applications for ABF Accredited Teachers and ABF Honorary Teaching Fellows to run Continuing Professional Development ‘CPD’ days on a subsidised basis. States and Territories will be notified once the process for applications for funding has been set up.
Restricted Players in ABF and ABF Licensed Events
The Management Committee endorsed the Tournament Committee recommendation that:
- if a player wins a Gold Point Restricted event, they cannot subsequently enter the same event with the same masterpoint restriction again; and
- if a player wins any two Gold Point Restricted events then they are no longer eligible to enter any such event with the same masterpoint restriction.
This change will apply to any ABF and ABF licensed event held from October 1, 2018.
Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Congress 2020
Robina McConnell has been appointed as Tournament Organiser for the event. Sponsorship has been obtained from the Perth Convention Bureau for event marketing and the Perth City Council will also host a reception for delegates to the event.
ABF Supports Drought Relief
At its September meeting, the ABF agreed to waive masterpoint fees for clubs undertaking fund-raising efforts towards drought relief. The QBA reported that $23,381.98 had been raised to date in Queensland. Congratulations to all States, Territories and clubs who participated.
Feedback & Future Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. The next ABFMC Meeting will be in Canberra on January 19 – 20, 2019.
2018- 2020 ABF Management Committee
Allison Stralow (President), Kim Frazer (Secretary), Roy Nixon, (Treasurer), Geoff Chettle (Legal Counsel), Dallas Cooper, Therese Tully, Bruce Neill (President Emeritus)
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
31 October 2018
Posted in Latest News on November 1, 2018