ABF Management Committee Meeting September 28-29, 2019
ABF Technology Strategy
The ABF Technology Officer, Mark Guthrie, presented an overview on the progress of the web-based entry management and player information system. The Management Committee approved the technology program of work to continue. For more information on what the ABF is intending to build, watch this video that describes the ABF New System Overview – https://youtu.be/u-4s_DVgAaU
Youth Team incentive
In recognition of their receipt of the WBF John E. Simon Award for sportsmanship for correcting a scoring error in the World Youth Championships and for their overall results in international competition in 2019, the Management Committee agreed to exercise one of the measures in the ABF Strategic Review “to Introduce positive incentives and rewards for good and excellent performance” and give each player in the Under 26 team a reward of $500.
Acknowledging players who move to Australia and have considerable overseas experience
Following input from David Anderson, the ABF Masterpoint Coordinator, the Management Committee agreed that overseas players who have significant experience will be given sufficient masterpoints to attain Grand Master ranking. The web policy “Overseas Players Seeking Membership” will be updated to reflect this change.
ABF Strategic Review Recognition of volunteers
The ABF Strategic Review outlines a national initiative to recognise volunteers at club, state and national level. The Management Committee agreed that an unlimited number of certificates would be awarded since the objective is recognition. The Head of Marketing will ask clubs for nominations and clubs will be invited to present certificates during National Volunteers week 18th – 24th May 2020.
ABF Foundation
Progress has been made on establishing the ABF Foundation. The draft rules and the proposed trustees will be presented to the ABF Council at the Mid-Term meeting in November for ratification
WBF Announcements
Congratulations to Laurie Kelso who is promoted to WBF Head Tournament Director and to Ben Thompson who is elected to WBF Management Committee.
APBF 2020, Perth Western Australia
The ABF will support the Asia Pacific Bridge Congress by sponsoring the following teams; Open, Women’s, Seniors’, Mixed, Under 16, Under 21 and Under 26. The method of selection for choosing the Australian representative teams will be via the selection policy for non-target events.
Australian players will receive gold points at the National Championship rate (Grade A) for the APBF pairs and teams, as it is a major international competition.
Entries for the Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Open Congress 2020 can be submitted on-line, using our secure site.https://www.entries.bridgeaustralia.org/onlineentries.php?id=55
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on these or other subjects. The next MC meeting is November at the Pullman, Sydney Airport.
ABF Management Committee:
Allison Stralow (President), Bruce Neill (President Emeritus), Kim Frazer (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer), Dallas Cooper (MC Member), Richard Wallis (MC Member). Geoffrey Chettle (General Counsel), Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
Posted in Latest News on October 5, 2019