ABF Management Committee Meeting October 28-29, 2017
2018 AGM Change of Date
The 2018 ABF Annual General Meeting date has changed. It will now be held on 28-29 April 2018 at the Vibe Airport Hotel in Canberra.
Venue availability issues forced South Australia to change the date of the 2018 ANOT to clash with our AGM, so we moved the AGM date to their old weekend to avoid a clash with this National event, and we hope, minimise impact on State calendars. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Fees Changes
ABF capitation and masterpoint fees have not increased since 2014. To catch up with inflation, Council intends to increase these fees by 5.1 per cent effective 1 April 2019, and to index them to CPI from 2020. We will announce changes after the previous year’s AGM to assist States and Clubs with budgeting.
Disciplinary Procedures
Council agreed that where a State or Territory suspends a player at any level other than within a club, that suspension will apply at the National level and in other States and Territories.
Council recommended that all States and Territories consider adopting Disciplinary Procedures like those implemented by the VBA and about to be adopted by the NSWBA.
ANC Matters
Council discussed ANC changes, including the changes to be adopted for the 2018 ANC in Tasmania which have already been announced.
At the 2017 AGM last May, Council commissioned a report on whether the ABF could run the 2020 ANC in the Northern Territory on a “fly-in – fly-out” basis. Peter Reynolds produced an excellent report for discussion at Council’s mid-term meeting. Regretfully, although Darwin is an attractive destination, Council felt the substantial extra cost should be better applied to other purposes.
The revised ANC rotation for 2020 onward will be announced as soon as finalised with States.
ABF Newsletter
The ABF Newsletter will in future be published in even months of the year rather than in odd months as currently, starting in April 2018. This will be a better fit with the annual bridge timetable and allow for more timely articles on ABF events.
Head of Marketing
Peter Cox has been appointed to the ABF Head of Marketing role and he presented to Council on the challenges facing bridge today. Council warmly thanked Sandra Mulcahy for her valuable contribution in the Marketing role. Peter would be pleased to hear thoughts and suggestions on the marketing of bridge by: email: marketing@abf.com.au or by phone: 0413 676 326.
Tournament Organisers’ Workshop
A workshop for organisers of major tournaments was held in Sydney in mid October. It was a valuable forum for sharing experience and discussing future directions. A number of issues will be followed up, including desired improvements to online entry facilities.
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The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on these or other subjects. The next MC meeting is Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 December in Canberra.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer),
Dallas Cooper (MC Member), Kim Frazer (MC Member).
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary).
Posted in Latest News on November 4, 2017