ABF Management Committee Meeting June 13, 2020
ABF Constitution and By-Laws
States and Territories have approved the amendments to the ABF Constitution that were proposed and accepted at the 2020 AGM by the ABF Council. Steps are now being taken to progress these changes with ASIC.
Deputy Legal Counsel has updated the By-Laws, which will be circulated to the ABF Council for comment.
Grand National Open Teams Final 2020
Due to the CV-19 pandemic the ABF Management Committee regrets to advise it has taken the decision to cancel the GNOT final at Tweed Heads in November 2020. We note that very few clubs have held qualifying events and no regional finals have been held before the Corona Virus shutdown. Should any clubs or regions be able to return to face-to-face bridge and wish to hold scheduled GNOT qualifying events or regional finals for the purposes of awarding gold points, they may do so. Ray Ellaway will retire as Tournament Organiser of the GNOT final after the 2021 event is held.
Virtual Bridge Clubs
The ABF welcomes a number of Online Clubs that have affiliated through State organisations. We expect that the new clubs will run all sessions in accordance with the ABF Affiliation Policy and apply the 100% rule which requires all players to be registered with the ABF Masterpoint Centre. All clubs are also reminded to abide by the requirement to issue masterpoints at all sessions.
Club games on BBO
The ABF has finalised a formal contract with BBO. The ABF will pass on all of the revenue received from BBO to the host clubs to reflect the sessions they have hosted.
Youth Team to play in New Zealand Nationals
The ABF has agreed to support the current Australian Youth Team to play in the 2020 New Zealand Congress, subject to International travel being permitted.
Feedback & Future Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects.
The next ABFMC Meeting will be held on the 10th July.
2020- 2022 ABF Management Committee
Allison Stralow (President), Kim Frazer (Secretary), Ian Thomson, (Treasurer), Adel Abdelhamid, Rob Ward
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary), Geoff Chettle (Legal Counsel), Michael Bryan (Deputy Legal Counsel)
Posted in Latest News on June 15, 2020