ABF Management Committee Meeting June 13-14, 2015
Joint MC and Tournament Committee (TC) meeting
The MC and TC held a joint preliminary meeting to discuss plans and issues for the coming year. We welcomed Therese Tully, attending her first TC. The TC will be publishing and inviting comments from players on proposed changes to the format of playoffs in 2016 onward, now that the revised playoff dates have been finalised. The TC will also look to clarify the objectives of the Playoffs – eg broadening exposure for emerging top-level players vs picking the currently strongest team.
Meeting with TBIB (Tony Bemrose Insurance Brokers)
The MC met with TBIB to discuss the claim results for the 2014-2015 ABF Travel Insurance policy, the composition and application of dispute resolution programs, and how to deal with cyber risk. We have also renewed our Corporate Travel Policy. The ABF thanks TBIB for its continuing sponsorship for ABF events for the coming years.
Meeting with Stephanie Grove, NeuRa, Bridge for Brains
The MC met with Stephanie Grove to discuss the Bridge for Brains Research Challenge report. This year was the best fundraising effort ever. Final figures will be placed on the website.
Congratulations to all participants, organisers and helpers in the 2015 Bridge for Brain Research Challenge. Stephanie particularly thanked the ABF Executive Secretary for her support.
ABF Constitution & Governance
6 out of 8 States have approved the Constitutional amendments passed at the AGM. The changes took effect 29 May 2015, and will now be incorporated in the Constitution published on the web.
Australian Team to Indonesia – Manado
Indonesia invited Australia to send an Australian Team to a new international event, including a significant number of world ranked teams, to be held in Manado. Mindful of the time commitment and expense already imposed on the Australian representative team for Bangkok and Chennai, the MC agreed between meetings to offer the opportunity to the next highest placed teams in the Open Playoff. Best wishes to the Lorentz team who will represent Australia at this event.
Victorian Youth Team at ANC
The MC agreed to a request from Victoria to send an 8 person team to the 2015 ANC, because most of the players are too young to cope with the playing schedule with only 6 members. The MC approved the request, and the offer has been extended to all States.
Privately Sponsored Youth Team to World Under16 Bridge Championships in Croatia
The MC has agreed to provide a letter of support and a small financial contribution to a team organised by Justin Howard to send an Under16 team to the World Under16 Bridge Championships in Croatia.
APBF Ladies Team
The ABF congratulates the Australian Ladies team of Barbara Travis, Candice Ginsberg, Margaret Bourke, Sue Lusk, Leone Fuller, Val Biltoft and David Appleton (NPC), who came second behind China at the recent APBF Championships in Bangkok.
Email Issues
The ABF is experiencing problems with some emails sent to addresses at abf.com.au. If you send an email and do not receive a timely reply, please email abf_secretary@live.com.au, who will endeavour to deliver the mail for you.
ANC 2015
The MC encourages players to enter ANC events as soon as possible via the ANC website. This will help the Tournament Organiser in planning the event. We wish Sheenagh Young every success for the ANC.
Feedback & Future Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. The next ABF MC meeting will be 8-9th August 2015. The draft agenda will be circulated.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Dallas Cooper (MC Members)
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Keith McDonald (President Emeritus)
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
Absent: Roy Nixon (Treasurer), Simon Hinge (MC Member)
22 June 2015
Posted in Latest News on June 23, 2015