ABF Management Committee Meeting January 19-20, 2019
Resignation from ABF Management Committee
Therese Tully has resigned from the Management Committee due to health issues. She will remain a QBA delegate and thus an ABF Councillor. The Management Committee thanks Therese for her valued contribution and wishes her well with her recovery. It was agreed that Richard Wallis would fill the vacant position at least until the 2019 AGM, when an election can be held.
Australian Teams
The Management Committee congratulates the following players who have been ratified as Australian international teams.
Sartaj Hans – Peter Gill – Nabil Edgtton – Andy Hung – Tony Nunn – Liam Milne – David Thompson (NPC)
Helene Pitt- Helena Dawson – Rena Kaplan – Lorna Ichilcik – Giselle Mundell – Avril Zets – Peter Buchen (NPC)
Avi Kanetkar, Warren Lazer, Bruce Neill, Pauline Gumby, Andy Braithwaite – Arjuna De Livera – Ian Thomson (NPC)
White House Junior, Netherlands
Matt Smith – Jamie Thompson – Renee Cooper – Ella Pattison
APBF, Thailand
Matt Smith – Jamie Thompson – Andrew Spooner – Tomer Libman – Nico Ranson – John McMahon
Daily Bridge Column
The Management Committee has agreed in principle to a proposal from Ron Klinger to run a daily bridge column accessible by subscription only. More information will be available once the technology to collect the subscription and distribute the daily columns has been set up.
Marketing- ABF Cooperative Advertising Campaign
The Management Committee has approved the expansion of the experiment with Facebook and Instagram. The Head of Marketing will be seeking clubs that are be interested in undertaking the test in their home markets with the support of the ABF, and sharing the cost. Details of this cooperative marketing campaign will be circulated to states, territories and clubs in the near future.
Resignation of Newsletter Editor
Barbara Travis has resigned from the position, effective from February. EOI have been called for and 5 have been received. The Management Committee thanks Barbara for her work and wish her well in her future endeavours.
Feedback & Future Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. The next ABFMC Meeting will be in Melbourne on March 2 – 3, 2019.
2018- 2020 ABF Management Committee
Allison Stralow (President), Kim Frazer (Secretary), Roy Nixon, (Treasurer), Geoff Chettle (Legal Counsel), Dallas Cooper, Richard Wallis, Bruce Neill (President Emeritus)
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
21st January 2019
Posted in Latest News on January 22, 2019