ABF Management Committee Meeting January 18-19, 2020
Welcome New ABF Councillors
Barbara Travis, SABF, and Rob Ward, NSWBA have become new ABF Councillors for 2020 to 2022. We look forward to their contribution to the administration of the ABF.
Order of Australia Medals (OAM) in the general division
Congratulations to Dallas Cooper, a member of the ABF Management Committee and a delegate from Tasmania, for receiving an OAM for her service to badminton, and to the community. Her contributions to bridge are listed as:
- Tasmania State Representative on ABF Council, since 2001
- Tournament Organiser, Australian National Championships, 1994, 2010 and 2018
- President, Tasmanian Bridge Association, 2001-2003, 2007-2008
- Vice-President, Tasmanian Bridge Association, 1998-1999
- Tournament Organiser, Australian Swiss Pairs, multiple times since 1994
- Tournament Organiser, Tasmanian Festival of Bridge, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019
Australian Teams
The Management Committee congratulates the following players who have been ratified as Australian international teams for the 16th World Bridge Games in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy from 21st August -4th September
Open: Sartaj Hans – Peter Gill – Nabil Edgtton – Andy Hung – Michael Courtney – Paul Wyer – David Wiltshire (NPC)
Women’s: Sophie Ashton – Lauren Travis – Jessica Brake – Susan Humphries – Marianne Bookallil – Jodi Tutty – Mike Doecke (NPC)
Seniors’: Robert Krochmalik – Paul Lavings – Stephen Burgess – Gabi Lorentz – George Kozakos – George Smolanko – Peter Buchen (NPC)
18th World Youth Team Championships in Salsomaggiore Terme from 31st July to 9th August. Andrew Spooner – Renee Cooper – Jamie Thompson – David Gue – Bertie Morgan – George Bartley
The ABF will also be supporting an Open, Women’s, Seniors’ and Mixed Teams at the Asia Pacific Bridge Congress in Perth in April, as well as Under 26, Under 21 and Under 16 Youth Teams.
An Under 31 Australian Team
The WBF have offered the ABF a place for an Under 31 team in the World Youth Championships in Salsomaggiore, Italy 31st July -9th August. We have accepted the offer, and an announcement calling for expressions of interest will soon be placed on the website. The procedure for applications will follow the selection criteria for non-target events.
Youth Awards for 2019
The following recipients of 2019 youth awards were endorsed by the Management Committee and presented during 2020 Youth Week:
Andrew Reiner (international performance) – Jamie Thompson and Matt Smith
Hills Hurley (Best Partnership) – Andrew Spooner and Renee Cooper
Helman Klinger Masterpoints – John McMahon 155.14
Helman Klinger Overall – Nicolas Ranson
2021 Playoff Schedule
The Tournament Committee will undertake a review of all playoffs as we have just completed a four- year cycle. Consultation regarding potential changes to the playoff schedule and funding for 2021 will commence soon.
Strategic Update
The modernisation of the governance structure of the ABF will be held in abeyance until the draft updates to the Constitution has been presented to Council at the Annual General Meeting in May. Changes to the Constitution are necessary in order to move the ABF from an ‘organisation incorporated in the ACT’ to a ‘company limited by guarantee.’ A draft, revised constitution has been drawn up and sent out to all State and Territory representatives and other interested parties for comment.
ANC Datum Winners
Currently the winners of the Open Teams Datum is recognised at the Australian National Championships. The Management Committee has agreed that from 2020 the Women’s, Seniors’ and Youth Datum winners will also be acknowledged.
Feedback & Future Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. The next ABFMC Meeting will be in Sydney on April 4 – 5, 2020.
2018- 2020 ABF Management Committee
Allison Stralow (President), Kim Frazer (Secretary), Roy Nixon, (Treasurer), Geoff Chettle (Legal Counsel), Dallas Cooper, Richard Wallis, Bruce Neill (President Emeritus)
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
26th January 2020
Posted in Latest News on January 27, 2020