ABF Management Committee Meeting January 11-12, 2016
Strategic Priorities
Planning is progressing to put more resources in to the priorities agreed by ABF Council. Individual measures will be announced in due course. Expressions of interest will be requested via the ABF website this week for three new roles: Media Spokesperson, Journalist and Government Relations.
ANC 2016
The ABF Tournament Committee is seeking comment by 14 February on a proposal to change the format of the Interstate Teams Championship at the ANC. More information is on the website at www.abf.com.au/a-new-format-for-the-interstate-teams-at-the-anc
The TC is also seeking comment on a proposal to change the format of the Women’s and Seniors’ divisions of the Australian Butler Pairs Championships. More information is on the website at www.abf.com.au/a-new-format-for-the-womens-and-seniors-butler-at-the-anc
Tournament Committee Recommendations: Formats for small Fields
MC accepted a TC recommendation for revised formats to be used in events with small entries that are unsuitable for a round robin or regular Swiss format.
2017 PQP Allocations – Tournament Committee Recommendations
Before approving any revised 2017 PQP allocations, MC requests TC to provide a further briefing for a future MC meeting, to clarify PQP allocation criteria and basis for suggested changes.
International Youth Representation
The MC approved for up to three youth teams to compete in Salsomaggiore, Italy in August 2016. All players must be 18 years of age when leaving Australia unless special approval is given.
Youth Week and Summer Festival of Bridge
Despite some organisational issues the major events were once again completed successfully. It was particularly exciting that the National Open Teams was won by the Lavazza team, one of the world’s greatest teams:
Madame Maria Teresa Lavazza (NPC), Norberto Bocchi, Giorgio Duboin, Agustin Madala, Dennis Bilde, Alejandro Bianchedi, Maurizio Di Sacco (Manager)
The runners-up were also an outstanding international team, mostly from the USA:
Reese Milner (capt), Nick Jacob, Ishmael Del’Monte, Justin Lall, Helmant Lall, Jacek Pszczola
The MC particularly thanks all the people who stepped in to make both events so successful. Particular mention goes to Wendy Boxall and the Summer Festival team who stepped up when needed, and to the Canberra Bridge Club for generously hosting Youth Week.
Sean Mullamphy
Finally, on a human note, we are sad to say that the ABF Chief Tournament Director and Tournament Organiser of the Summer Festival of Bridge, Sean Mullamphy, has been hospitalised with a serious illness since late January. His family does not wish to make a public statement until his outlook is clearer. Please respect their privacy. Our thoughts and best wishes go out to Sean and his family.
2016 Annual General Meeting
States and Territories are reminded to attend to the preparations they need to make for the ABF AGM on 21-22 May, 2016, in Canberra. This is particularly important since the 2016-18 Management Committee will be elected at this meeting. The ABF Executive Secretary will circulate information to delegates via Dropbox soon.
Feedback & Future Management Committee Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above or other subjects. The next MC meeting is on 27 February 2016. The draft agenda will be circulated in due course.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer),
Dallas Cooper (MC Member), Simon Hinge (MC Member),
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Keith McDonald (President Emeritus),
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary).
3 February 2016
Posted in Latest News on February 4, 2016