ABF Management Committee Meeting February 16-17, 2017
The MC has previously announced a possible reduction in the number of teams contesting the GNOT finals. We have now agreed to reduce the number of teams qualifying for the 2017 final from 64 to 60.
As foreshadowed in earlier communications, for those players that normally fly to the Gold Coast, the ABF is replacing cash subsidies with four air tickets. This will improve the level of support for those travelling further and those who are forced to book late. However, there will be no reimbursements if players buy their own, or use frequent flyer reward tickets. The minority of teams with more than four players will need to make their own travel arrangements for the extra players.
Details will be advised by the GNOT Co-ordinator in due course.
Youth Teams
The MC congratulates the following players who have qualified for our international youth teams.
Under 25 team: Charles McMahon, John McMahon, Jamie Thompson, Matt Smith, Nico Ranson, Christopher Rhodes. NPC: Johnno Newman.
Girls Team: Renee Cooper, Francesca McGrath, Kirsty Fuller, Shmi Sunderasan, Ailsa Peacock. NPC: Christy Geromboux.
2nd Seniors Team for APBF
A second Seniors Team from Australia has been accepted for the APBF Championships to be held in Seoul from May 28 – June 7, 2017. The team is Andy Braithwaite, Arjuna Delivera, Simon Hinge, George Smolanko, Jonathan Free and Robbie van Riel.
Transfer of Overseas Masterpoints
There have been occasions recently where Australian Resident players originally from overseas have not transferred their overseas masterpoints to Australia and they have played in ABF Restricted events for which those masterpoints would make them ineligible. We will be altering regulations to prohibit this practice because it is unfair to other novice players.
Penalties may be introduced including instant disqualification from the event and possible suspension from playing national events.
Newsletter Editor
Barbara Travis has agreed to take on the role of ABF Newsletter editor, starting with the March edition. Barbara is one of Australia’s leading players and is one of the ABF’s new Honorary Teaching Fellows.
In conjunction with the new editor, we will be aiming to improve the Newsletter by introducing more articles for club and intermediate players, more variety and some new features.
The MC would also like to thank Kim Frazer for stepping in as editor pro-tem.
National Director Development Officer (NDDO)
John McIlrath has agreed to take on the new role of National Director Development Officer (NDDO). John will also be joining the National Directors Accreditation Committee.
The NDDO role will help to define ways to Identify and encourage aspiring directors to develop their skills to be accredited as tournament directors. He will design, develop and promote a series of education videos for the Directors’ section on the ABF Website and work with States/Territories on apprenticeship programs, mentorship programs and director workshops.
ABF Honorary Teaching Fellows
The MC congratulates the following four additional ABF Honorary Teaching Fellows:
Tony Jackman, Will Jenner O’Shea, Matt Mullamphy and Nigel Rosendorff.
2018 Summer Festival at the Rex Hotel, Canberra
In 2018, the Summer Festival of Bridge is moving to a new venue, the Canberra Rex Hotel. The Rex has undertaken substantial improvements to both its function space and accommodations which we believe will significantly improve the player experience on several levels. We appreciate change is sometimes difficult but we will do everything possible to manage that change to improve the comfort level of all players. More information will be made available to players through the year including an excellent early bird rate for accommodation at the Rex.
The ABF Annual General Meeting on 22nd- 23rd April 2017, at the Rex hotel in Canberra. We look forward to seeing all Councillors there!
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The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on these or other subjects.
The next meeting is the ABF AGM on 22nd- 23rd April 2017, in Canberra, followed by an MC meeting.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer),
Dallas Cooper (MC Member), Kim Frazer (MC Member),
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
Posted in Latest News on February 19, 2017