ABF Management Committee Meeting December 9-10, 2017
ANC Rotation
Thanks to the SABF who have confirmed that, following the withdrawal of the NT, South Australia will host the 2020 ANC in Adelaide. The revised ANC rotation will now be:
2019 Victoria
2020 South Australia
2021 New South Wales
2022 Western Australia
2023 Queensland
2024 ACT
2025 Tasmania
Grand National Open Teams Travel Arrangements – Feedback
New travel arrangements were introduced for the Grand National Open Teams this year, with the aim of providing better and fairer travel subsidies for competing teams. We will be asking participants for feedback on the new arrangements, so we can improve them for the future.
Youth Bridge
Following the resignation of Phil Gue and a review of youth governance, support for Youth Bridge is being restructured.
To assist in achieving the goals of increasing the quantity and quality of young bridge players, we will appoint an ABF Youth Development Officer. This role will take over the responsibilities currently undertaken by David Thompson in his international role, as well as work on initiatives to expand the pool of youth players locally and nationally.
An EOI for a Youth Development Officer has been posted on the web-site. We will also disband the current youth committee.
The ABF Management Committee thanks Phil Gue, David Thompson and the members of the Youth Committee for their contribution to Youth Bridge over the past years.
New National Recorder
The functions of the National Recorder, who is appointed by the Management Committee in accordance with Rule 19(3) of the Constitution, are to:
- receive reports from the Recorders at ABF events and to submit a report with recommendations to the ABF General Counsel,
- offer assistance and guidance to the Recorders, and
- maintain a Recorder’s Book and to notify parties as to their inclusion into that book.
The ABF is appointing a new National Recorder, John Brownie, from 1 January 2018. John is a retired NSW Judge and past President of the North Shore Bridge Club in Sydney. The MC thanks Phil Gallasch for his work over the past few years.
National Director Development Officer Activities
To improve support to, and communication with and between club directors, the ABF is inviting Club Directors to join a register. Over time the NDDO will discuss with States, Clubs and Directors what services will be most valuable to directors.
2018 Commonwealth Nations Bridge Championships – Australian Teams
Australia is entering four teams in the 5th Commonwealth Nations Bridge Championships at the Gold Coast, February 14-18 … two representative teams and two “transnational” teams.
Congratulations to the following teams:
Australia Gold: P Markey, J Haffer, D Wiltshire, M Henbest, P Gumby, W Lazer
Australia Green: R Cooper, F McGrath, J Thompson, M Smith, T Libman, A Spooner
Australia Seniors: T Brown, P Buchen, I Thomson, R Klinger, A Kanetkar , B Neill
Australia Women: C Ginsberg, B Travis, P McLeish, Di Smart, A St Clair, K Frazer
Best Wishes for the Holiday Season
The MC sends everyone the very best wishes for the coming holiday season!
– O –
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on these or other subjects. The next MC meeting is Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th February in Queensland.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer),
Dallas Cooper (MC Member), Kim Frazer (MC Member).
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary).
Posted in Latest News on December 16, 2017