ABF Management Committee Meeting December 13-14, 2014
Major Items & Decisions
Tournament Committee Recommendations
Playoffs: following extensive consultation and input from players, the TC has finalised its recommendations about the future playoff schedule and format, and will post details on the web soon. MC will consider this at its next meeting. Key recommendations are:
- Open Playoffs to be scheduled to commence on the second Saturday in November each year (from Nov 2016, to select the 2017 team).
- Seniors’ Playoffs to be scheduled to commence on the first Saturday in December each year (from Dec 2016).
- Women’s Playoffs to run concurrent with the Seniors’, instead of the Open. This may reduce potential conflicts.
- Knockout matches in the Playoffs to be increased in length.
- The date changes would require a once-off change to the dates at which the “PQP year” starts/ends in 2016.
Grand National Open Teams
This was the 29th running of this truly national event, which starts in clubs across Australia with one of the largest starting fields in the world.
The MC congratulates Sydney 2 (David Beauchamp, Terry Brown, Peter Buchen, Avi Kanetkar, Kim Morrison), on their win. It was Terry Brown’s 7th win and Avi Kanetkar’s 6th.
To provide certainty for organisers of GNOT qualifying events, the MC will ensure that changes to the allocation of teams for the GNOT finals are announced in advance to allow inclusion in clubs and States & Territories calendars. No changes will be made in 2015 unless made necessary by withdrawals etc. Any changes for 2016 are to be approved by the ABF MC by 31 August 2015 to let affiliates put them in their 2016 Calendars.
Pilot of online BBO competitions with ABF Masterpoints
We intend to run pilot events on BBO offering ABF Masterpoints to contestants who are members of affiliated Australian Clubs.
The aim is to develop a better understanding of what is involved in doing this, and share what we learn with States & Territories, and affiliated clubs. If successful, we hope this may help you extend the range of events you offer to your members, and possibly extend your membership among older and younger age demographics.
Players with Low Vision
We were pleased to learn of an initiative by Bill Hunt and Paul Lavings to improve visibility of cards and board markings where needed for players with deteriorating vision. We will provide information on our web site.
Behaviour management
Sean Mullamphy as Chief Tournament Director of the ABF is organising a workshop with National Directors to discuss best practice for handling bad behaviour by players.
People Changes
Dianne Marler has resigned as Chair of the ABF Women in Bridge Committee. The MC thanks her for her service in this role, including organising and running the inaugural Asia Pacific Online Women’s Bridge Tournament.
The MC congratulates Sartaj Hans and Peter Gill, who finished 5th in the prestigious Reisinger Board-a-Match teams in the US Autumn Nationals.
Future Meetings
The MC welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. Next meeting is January 12-13, 2015.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer),
Dallas Cooper, Simon Hinge (MC Members)
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Keith McDonald (President Emeritus)
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
14 December 2014.
Posted in Latest News on December 15, 2014