ABF Management Committee Meeting December 12-13, 2015
2016 ABF Budget
On 21 November, the ABF Secretary circulated to all Councillors a revised 2016 Budget incorporating priorities adopted by ABF Council at the November 2015 Mid Term Meeting. Having received no objections from Council, MC adopted the 2016 budget as circulated.
ABF Priorities
In line with priorities agreed by ABF Council, MC intends to provide more resources in priority areas.
At its December meeting MC met with our National Teaching Coordinator and National Marketing Officer to discuss how best to increase Teaching and Marketing resources, building on the highly successful work they are already doing.
We are also looking to
- provide more support to club administrators – including provision of policies, procedures and guidelines to assist in the successful running of a club,
- provide additional support and development opportunities for club directors and over time develop and provide experience for future directors at congress, State and National levels, and
- continue to focus on improving the performance of our international representative teams.
The ABF Management Committee will develop implementation plans based on the agreed priorities, ideally drawing on skills within the ABF community. We look forward to saying more via the ABF website once details have been developed.
James O’Sullivan Trust – Interest Rate Reduction
The MC is pleased to advise that the Trustees of the James O’Sullivan Trust have lowered the interest rate for current and new loans to 4%, effective from 1 January 2016.
With the successful conclusion of the 2015 Grand National Open Teams (the 30th staging of the event!), the MC again acknowledges the huge contribution of John Brockwell over the last 30 years to the establishment and development of this unique nationwide event. Thanks, John!
We welcome Ray Ellaway who has now replaced John as GNOT national organiser for the 2016 event. We are confident the event will continue to flourish under his control.
Hans Rosendorff Memorial Congress
The MC notes the suggestion from the Tournament Organiser to change their Women’s event from Teams to Butler Pairs in 2016. Tournament Organisers of all events are free to review formats in response to changing market conditions, and forward proposals for change to their National Event Coordinator, who will refer it to the ABF Tournament Committee if appropriate.
Representatives of Red Plum Automotive Brokering Service are planning to attend the 2016 Summer Festival of Bridge in Canberra to introduce their services to ABF members.
Representatives of Tony Bemrose Insurance Services are also planning to attend the 2016 Summer Festival. WE are pleased that TBIB will continue to offer access to a premium Travel Insurance Service to ABF members from March 2016. Details will be available early in the New Year.
Board Dealing – Security Policy
While considering security issues, MC confirmed that dealing policy for ABF events will be that if board security is compromised or questioned, any compromised sets of boards must be redealt, or any persons with potential access to deal information barred from playing in any relevant event.
ANC Handbook
The ANC Handbook has been updated and posted to the ABF web site.
Feedback & Future Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above or other subjects. The next MC meeting is on 11-12 January 2016. The draft agenda will be circulated in due course.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer),
Dallas Cooper (MC Member), Simon Hinge (MC Member),
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Keith McDonald (President Emeritus),
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary).
27 December 2015
Posted in Latest News on December 27, 2015