ABF Management Committee Meeting December 10-11, 2016
Grand National Open Teams
The GNOT remains one of the ABF’s longest running and most popular competitions and the ABF is firmly committed to funding national participation on a continuing basis.
The ABF continually reviews its national competitions based on regular feedback and consultation. In the case of the GNOT Final, the ABF is aware of player concerns about the capacity of the present venue for the National Final and the level of subsidies to players to travel there. Some GNOT regions may also be struggling to maintain the number of teams they have been allocated in the National Final.
In the light of these concerns, the ABF is intending to introduce certain changes to the conditions of competition for the GNOT in 2017:
- Reducing the number of teams in the National Final from 64 to 56. This target may not be completely achieved in 2017 and will depend on discussions with regions.
- Providing players who fly to the National Final with four pre-paid air tickets instead of a cash subsidy. This is expected to increase overall subsidies. It will particularly benefit players travelling from the more remote regions, and players who qualify later in the year when airfares are often higher.
- Cash subsidies will continue at current rate for players who do not come by air.
- The competition is only three days, plus the grand final. Historically most teams only have four members. Teams with five or six members will need to arrange among themselves to purchase additional air tickets.
Further details will be released to Regional Coordinators and competitors in due course.
ANC Strategic Review
The Australian National Championship has been running since 1933, and has a long proud history. At its recent Mid-Term meeting, the ABF Council approved a strategic review of the ANC to see how we might be able to help retain its great status.
Ben Thompson, who many of you will know as an experienced strategic planner, has kindly agreed to undertake this work for us. The work will start shortly, involving wid consultation with the bridge community, and aims to be complete within 6 months.
2017 International Teams
The Management Committee (MC) congratulates the following players who have qualified for our international teams:
Open: Justin Howard, Peter Hollands, David Beauchamp, Matthew Thomson, Andrew Peake, Peter Gill
Women’s: Candice Ginsberg, Barbara Travis, Margaret Bourke, Sue Lusk, Jodi Tutty, Marianne Bookallil
Seniors: Avi Kanetkar, Warren Lazer, Bruce Neill, Pauline Gumby, Terry Brown, Peter Buchen.
The International Performance Task Force (IPTF) will be working with these teams from January 2017 onwards to assist them to achieve their best performance.
ABF Teaching Fellows
19 new ABF Teaching Fellows have been appointed. States and Territories have been asked to advise whether they wish to recommend any further appointments before intake is closed.
Club Support
A Marketing/Club support workshop was held at the Council mid-term meeting, facilitated by our National Marketing Officer. The conclusions/recommendations were discussed at this MC and these have now been sent to States and Territories for comment. Once all comments have been received we will plan further activities.
Travel Insurance Offer from TBIB
The 2017 TBIB travel insurance application will open in mid-January. We are pleased that basic premiums have not increased. Increases could apply due to members entering higher age brackets and/or a change in their current state of health.
Retirement of the Spring Festival TO
Our thanks to Marcia Scudder who is retiring after many years of running the Spring Festival of Bridge. NSWBA has found an excellent replacement, Mike Prescott.
I wish you all a happy holiday season and Happy Bridging in 2017!
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The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on these or other subjects.
The next meeting is on 16-17 February 2017, in Queensland.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer),
Dallas Cooper (MC Member), Kim Frazer (MC Member),
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary), Keith McDonald (Observer)
Posted in Latest News on December 17, 2016