ABF Management Committee Meeting August 8-9, 2015
ABF Strategic Plan Update
The MC has started a review of the ABF Strategic Plan, assisted by Ben Thompson. We started with a review of goals and objectives. Council will be invited to provide input and it is planned to have a major review of progress at the mid-term meeting in November.
Restricted pairs at next ANC
After the success of the Restricted Butler at the Perth ANC, the ABF Management Committee has decided to continue to encourage the participation of Restricted Players at the Brisbane ANC.
A subsidy will be given to 2 eligible pairs from each State/Territory other than Queensland to play in the Restricted Butler Pairs at the 2016 ANC in Brisbane. The subsidy will be for $2000 for each of the 2 pairs and entry fees into the event. The entry fee for Queensland pairs will also be paid. Eligible players will have less than 300 MP on 31 December 2015.
Each association will be responsible for organising the qualifying events in the manner they see fit. The Management Committee is encouraging regions to be included in this process if feasible.
2015 Pacific Asia Women’s Online Bridge Festival
Preparation for this event at the end of August are progressing well. Details are on the ABF website.
The Australian Flitch Championship
The ABF has approved a new pairs event to be played annually during the GNOT National Finals. The new event is called the Australian Flitch Championship and is open to all life partners. The name “Flitch” is derived from an annual event for couples, the London Flitch, that was very popular in England. Details will be posted on the ABF website (www.abf.com.au).
Playoffs 2016
It has previously been announced that the dates of future International Team Selection Playoffs will move from February-March to November-December, starting in late 2016. The Tournament Committee is now seeking comments from interested players on the format of the playoffs and when any changes should commence.
Following a very large increase in price by the current venue in Sydney, it is likely the next Playoff events in Feb-Mar 2016 may need to move to a new venue in Sydney or Canberra. The venue will be announced as soon as it is confirmed.
Flight Centre
The ABF is working with Flight Centre on a new travel subsidy arrangement to reduce ABF costs so our money can go further. Players or clubs which receive ABF funds in the form of specific travel prizes or travel subsidies to attend and participate in domestic ABF run events will be given travel credits to be used at Flight Centre. These credits will replace previous direct cash payments. Details will be announced on the website.
Dealing Tenders
Following the previous MC meeting, the ABF invited tenders from new and existing suppliers to encourage diversity of supply. The tenders cover 2016 board dealing requirements for national events including the ABF Playoffs, Youth Week, Summer Festival of Bridge and the Grand National Open Teams. Tenders have closed and contracts will be awarded soon.
Online Payment Facility
We hope to introduce a secure payment as part of the online entry process for the Summer Festival of Bridge. If successful, other events will be welcome to look at using a similar arrangement.
The ABF is pleased to welcome Red Plum Automotive Brokering Service as a new sponsor. Our relationship with Get Wines Direct has been terminated. We thank them for their past support.
Congratulations to Pauline Gumby, who has overtaken the late Bobby Richman to become Australia’s highest all time earner of masterpoints.
Email Problems
We believe that we understand and have fixed recent problems which caused some emails to ABF people not to be delivered. We also believe that we are in a position to prevent this happening again. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Feedback & Future Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. The next ABF MC meeting will be 10th -11th October 2015. The draft agenda will be circulated.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Dallas Cooper (MC Members) Russel Harms (General Counsel), Keith McDonald (President Emeritus) Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer), Simon Hinge (MC Member)
Apology: Keith McDonald (President Emeritus)
11 August 2015
Posted in Latest News on August 12, 2015