ABF Leadership Changes
At the ABF’s Annual General Meeting held in Canberra on 28th and 29th April, the ABF Management Committee for the period 2018-2020 was announced as follows:
- Allison Stralow, Western Australia (President)
- Kim Frazer, Victoria (Secretary)
- Roy Nixon, Australian Capital Territory (Treasurer)
- Dallas Cooper, Tasmania (Committee member)
- Therese Tully, Queensland (Committee member)
- Bruce Neill, NSW (President Emeritus)
Geoffrey Chettle replaces Russel Harms as General Counsel for the ABF.
The outgoing President Bruce Neill and General Counsel Russel Harms are thanked for their long and valuable contributions to the ABF.
From the ABF President –Allison Stralow
Firstly, I take this opportunity to thank Bruce Neill as outgoing ABF President for his long and valuable service. I believe that his ability to listen to and to consult with stakeholders has been one of his greatest strengths and he has been a wonderful mentor. I am pleased that Bruce will take on the position of “President Emeritus” to remind us of the history of the ABF and to also share his extensive knowledge.
I learned to play bridge many years ago in a remote country town and soon became a fanatic. As well as the mental benefits of playing bridge, I also value the many friendship I have developed over the years, and look forward to meeting and speaking with players around the country during the term of my Presidency.
One of my priorities as ABF President will be to encourage our many volunteers and contractors to continue their work to foster and promote bridge. I believe the ABF has a good working relationship with States and Territories and I will work with the ABF Management Committee to continue to assist them to progress our core bridge activities – teaching, marketing, youth bridge and directing – to ensure the continued growth of our game.