ABF Management Committee Meeting July 12-13, 2019
Management Committee Meeting
The President welcomed Professor Michael Bryan to the meeting. Professor Bryan has been assisting Legal Counsel for the past few months with legal matters outside the purvey of Legal Counsel.
Australian Mixed Teams 2020
Australian Mixed Team Selection 2020 – Marcia Scudder has agreed to be the Tournament Organiser again in 2020. The event in 2020 is for contending teams only.
ANC 2021
Orange NSW will host the 2021 Australian National Championships. The Tournament Organiser for the ANC on behalf of the NSWBA is Mr Rob Ward.
Youth Week 2020
Youth week will be held at the Ibis Eaglehawk, Canberra. John Newman, Will Jenner-O’Shea and Edmond Lee have been appointed Co – Tournament Organisers of the event.
ABF Strategic Review Recognition of Volunteers
The ABF Strategic Review outlines a national initiative to recognise volunteers at club, state and national level. As the 18th – 24th May 2020 is National Volunteer Week this will be our annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our amazing volunteers. The next step is to decide what form the recognition will take, how the finalists will be chosen and where the presentations will take place.
ABF Foundation
Progress has been made on establishing the ABF Foundation to provide an avenue for those members who wish to make a donation or leave a bequest to the ABF. The draft rules for establishing an account to manage this fund will be finalised by a NSW legal firm.
ABF Licensed Events
The reports from the Victor Cup Championship and the Tasmanian Festival of Bridge both showed an increase in participation. The ABF congratulates all event organisers for the successful promotion and running of events.
1st WBF/APBF NBO Officers’ Seminar – Singapore – 8th-10th June 2019
Allison Stralow, Bruce Neil and Ben Thompson attended the above-mentioned seminar. This was a valuable opportunity to network with other NBO’s and discuss common strengths and weaknesses.
APBF 2020, Perth Western Australia
Robina McConnell and Allison Stralow attended the APBF Delegate’s Meeting on the 10th June in Singapore. Robina presented a visual prepared by WA Tourism Bureau and invited all NBO’s to send teams to this open event. A provisional timetable has been placed on the website and the hotel list and entry costs are nearly finalised.
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on these or other subjects. The next MC meeting is 28th and 29th September at the Pullman, Sydney Airport.
ABF Management Committee:
Allison Stralow (President), Bruce Neill (President Emeritus), Kim Frazer (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer), Dallas Cooper (MC Member), Richard Wallis (MC Member). Geoffrey Chettle (General Counsel), Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
Posted in Latest News on July 22, 2019