ABF AGM and Board Meeting May 2-3, 2022
Major Items and Decisions
ABF Board changes
At the ABF’s Annual General Meeting held in Adelaide on May 2th, the ABF Board for the period 2022-2024 was announced as follows:
- Allison Stralow, Western Australia (President)
- Stephen Fischer, Australian Capital Territory (Secretary)
- Ian Thompson, Australian Capital Territory (Treasurer)
- Robert Ward, New South Wales (Board member)
- Richard Ward, Queensland (Board member)
Phillip Markey joins the ABF as General Counsel. Michael Bryan remains as Deputy Legal Counsel.
The outgoing Secretary, Kim Frazer and Board member Adel Abdelhamid are thanked for their long and valuable contributions to the ABF.
Dallas Cooper was elected to the Committee of Honour as recognition of her outstanding service to bridge in Australia. Dallas first became an ABF Council member representing the Tasmanian Bridge Association in 2000. She was a member of the Management Committee from 2014-2022. Dallas’ calm, unflappable nature has been greatly appreciated as has her corporate knowledge and considered view on issues. Council thanks Dallas for her many years of dedicated service to the ABF.
ABF Council changes
ABF Councillors are an integral part of the administration of Australian bridge. Thank you to the retiring councillors for their time on the ABF Council: Kim Frazer Victoria, Dallas Cooper Tasmania and Neil Williams, Northern Territory. A warm welcome to Jenny Thompson, Victoria, Hugh Grosvenor, Tasmania and Rosemary Mooney, Northern Territory.
Council re-elected Peter Reynolds A.C.T and Dr Laurie Kelso f rom Victoria as Supplemental Councillors.
Capitation and Masterpoint Fees
Council agreed to a recommendation f rom the Treasurer that effective 1st April 203 the Capitation Fee will increase 2% to $16.40 for a full year and $8.20 for 6 months f rom October 2023 to January 2024.
Registrations made during the period January 2024 to March 2024 will not be charged but will automatically be renewed and invoiced for the coming year.
Mandatory vaccinations for Gold Point events
The ABF notes that all state and territory governments no longer mandate showing proof of vaccination and the wearing of masks when entering venues and businesses. Effective f rom June 1st 2022, ABF Licensed event are f ree to make their own decisions as to whether they will relax or cancel the existing Covid-19 Vaccination Policy in respect of their event.
Note: As the GNOT heats were held under the vaccination and mandate policy, the 2022 GNOT Final will require proof of vaccination.
Youth Bridge
Australia plans to send participants to Italy for the World Youth Transnational Bridge Championships held f rom 7th August – 14th August 2022.
Details for expressions of interest f rom pairs in U31, U26 and U21 categories, although U31 will only
receive a partial subsidy (entry fees and uniform) can be found at:
Australian Bridge Federation » 7th World Youth Transnational Bridge Championships (abf.com.au)
Justin Mill joins Rebecca O’Reilly (Chair) Warren Lazer, William Jenner-O’Shea, Jane Reynolds, Julie Rhodes, Justin Williams, and Paul Brake on the Youth Committee.
National Director Register
The Board accepted their recommendation to modify the current ABF National Director Register to include:
Promotion to National Director – Level 2
Ronnie NG (NSW)
Chris Snook (QLD)
Promotion to National Director – Level 3
Julie Jeffries (QLD)
Transfer to the ‘Inactive’ category with retention of current classification.
Tony Howes (NSW – Level 1)
Peter Marley (VIC – Level 1)
Dave Parham (WA – Level 2)
Trevor Strickland (QLD – Level 2)
The WBF TD Committee has also accepted the request that Sebastian Yuen be added to the WBF TD Register as an NBO International Tournament Director. Congratulations to Sebastian.
The ABF has continued to do all we can to ensure that proper procedures are in place to detect cheating, deal with allegations, and protect the majority of players who respect and follow the rules and laws of Bridge. Recorders and reviewers use statistical methods to infer that cheating is taking place and that specific pairs are cheating. While the ABF appears to have a low level of cheating amongst our players, we need to continue taking steps to combat cheating. The ABF will review the by-laws relating to cheating and online bridge.
International relations
At the Zone 7 meeting in January 2022, Ben Thompson was re-appointed President of the South Pacific Bridge Federation and as the zonal delegate to the World Bridge Federation. Both appointments are for the period 2022 – 2026. Ben has worked closely with the ABF and NZBC to make sure our views are heard and shared key points of interest f rom WBF meetings. We continue to have Zoom meetings with New Zealand Bridge to discuss issues and share resources.
ABF Constitution and Governance
The Governance Committee proposed a timetable for the development and implementation of a new organisational model for the ABF, building on previous work that has continued since 2017. The new Governance Committee, chaired by Richard Ward, will look at suitable models and seek legal advice.
Nationwide Online Pairs
The ABF Board has decided to discontinue the Nationwide Online Pairs as of the end of May. The last weekly session will be held on Sunday, May 29. Online pairs events were always intended to be a temporary initiative for players when bridge games around the country ceased during the pandemic. With the removal of most Government restrictions, club bridge has returned and there is now a wide range of online options available, including StepBridge, RealBridge, RealDealBridge and BBO, and many of our member clubs host regular games on these platforms.
The Chair of the Tournament Committee will chair a committee to review the 2023 GNOT format and provide recommendations to Council at the Mid-Term Meeting. The 2022 GNOT format and the PQP allocations will not change. Ray Ellaway will continue in the role as Tournament Organiser.
Feedback and Future Meetings
The Board welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. The next Board Meetings are Friday 3rd June, teleconference, and 8 July, Adelaide.
ABF Board:
Allison Stralow (President), Stephen Fischer (Secretary), Ian Thomson (Treasurer), Rob Ward, Richard Ward (Board Members)
Phil Markey (General Counsel), Michael Bryant (Deputy General Counsel)
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
May 2022
Posted in Latest News on May 16, 2022