ABF Management Committee Meeting April 26-27, 2016
AGM Preparation
Preparations continue for the AGM to be held on 21st and 22nd May in Canberra. A significant part of this MC meeting was devoted to discussion of 2016 strategic activities. Reviews and plans will be presented at the AGM. The MC looks forward to seeing all Councillors there.
ANC Format
To ensure States and Territories are up-to-date with plans on the format for the coming ANC the following advice is supplied.
A triple Round Robin format is to be adopted for the Interstate Teams. Matches will be 14 boards with four matches per day except for day two (5 matches). The finals will be 56 boards played as 14-board stanzas, to finish in time for the Victory dinner.
This format, which was adopted after player consultation, aims to move away from problems with byes.
As previously announced, the ABF Management Committee endorsed a recommendation from the Tournament Committee that the Women’s and Seniors’ Butlers be run concurrently as four-day events, with a two-day qualifying to select ten pairs for a two-day final (RR of 9 * 12-board matches). Consequently, the program for the Women’s and Seniors’ Butlers will change to a four-day two-stage event commencing Monday July 4, 2016.
This change was adopted in recognition of the trend in the number of entries for these events. These events will have a carry-forward of 25% from Stage I to Stage II.
Youth teams at ANC
The Management Committee approved a request from SA to field a slightly overage player in its Youth team at the ANC. This was because of the young age and inexperience of other team members. It is hoped that such requests will be rare, as States and Territories work on developing their pools of younger players.
2017 Summer Festival of Bridge
The Management Committee has appointed Roy Nixon as Tournament Organiser for the 2017 Summer Festival. We thank him for taking on this extra role and hope for another successful Festival.
We will consider arrangements for subsequent years at a later time. We continue to wish Sean Mullamphy the best possible recovery.
Venue for next Playoffs
After considering feedback from the recent playoffs it is planned to hold the playoffs for the 2017 teams in Canberra, subject to getting a suitable venue in the busy November/December timeframe.
Cyber Risk
The ABF is taking out a cyber risk insurance policy through Tony Bemrose Insurance Brokers. We will send information to State and Territory Associations for their consideration.
2017 Dealing Tenders
As done last year, an invitation to tender for all or part of the 2017 ABF board dealing requirements will soon be posted on the ABF web site.
National Director Development Role
The MC is planning to set up a National Director Development Officer (NDDO) role somewhat along the lines of the teacher training and accreditation model. This will be a topic for further discussion at the AGM.
Youth Bridge
We are inviting expressions of interest in the role of National Youth Co-ordinator.
David Thompson has been confirmed in his new role as Co-ordinator of International Youth Representation. We thank him for his past good work and for continuing in his new role.
International Teams
Congratulations to the following players who will represent Australia at the World Youth Teams Championships in Salsomaggiore in August:
Under 25: Adam Edgtton, Max Henbest, Jamie Thompson, Stephen Williams, Daniel Braun, Nabil Edgtton, with Liam Milne (NPC).
Girls: Renee Cooper, Ella Pattison, Jessica Brake, Kirsty Fuller, with Ian Thompson (NPC).
Congratulations to the following players who will represent Australia at the World Bridge Games in Wroclaw in September:
Open: Peter Gill, Andrew Peake, Sartaj Hans, Tony Nunn, Bill Jacobs, and Ben Thompson, with George Bilski (NPC).
Women’s: Helene Pitt, Ruth Tobin, Pele Rankin, Paula McLeish, Renee Cooper, Jane Reynolds, with Jenny Thompson (NPC).
Seniors: Gabi Lorentz, Stephen Burgess, Robert Krochmalik, Paul Lavings, Bill Haughie, Ron Klinger, with David Stern (NPC
Mixed: Pauline Gumby, Warren Lazer, Cathryn Herden, Matthew Thompson, Margaret Bourke, David Hoffman with Paul Hooykaas (NPC)
Future of Mixed Teams
WBF-style Mixed Teams events (where each pair of the team consists of a man and a woman) are popular in Europe. If the event becomes an official part of the WBF calendar (which it may do from 2019) a permanent selection method will need to be established if we decide to send a team. States and Territories may like to consider introducing a trial event in this format to assess its popularity.
Alex Smirnov
Alex Smirnov has been removed from the Foreign Players Club following his suspension by his NBO. States and Territories have been advised that he is no longer entitled to play in any ABF licensed event. The ABF will reconsider this position following the expiration of the period of suspension imposed by his NBO.
WBF Event in Australia
The WBF is in consultation with another country to hold the WBF event in 2019 so we will refocus our efforts towards 2021.
SABF has indicated that they have an interest in holding a WBF event in Adelaide so, while the MC was in Adelaide, we took the opportunity to have some preliminary discussions with the South Australian President and the Treasurer of SABA.
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above or other subjects. The next meeting is the AGM on 21th – 22nd May 2016 at the Hotel Kurrajong, Canberra.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer),
Dallas Cooper (MC Member), Simon Hinge (MC Member),
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Keith McDonald (President Emeritus),
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary).
30 April 2016
Posted in Latest News on May 2, 2016