ABF Management Committee Meeting September 20-21, 2014
Major Items & Decisions
Tournament Matters
- The Management Committee has asked the Tournament Committee to review the format and timing of the annual Playoffs which select Australian Representative Teams, recognising the different target events across the four-year WBF cycle. The TC has responded with recommendations which will be published on abf.com.au with a request for comment, and specifically suggest moving the Open & Women’s playoffs to early December. Any changes are likely to come into effect no earlier than the selection events for 2017.
- In light of feedback from the 2014 ANC, the MC has asked the TC once again to consider how to handle byes in the Interstate Teams. A request for comment has been put on the web, and sent to State/Territory Associations.
- The MC congratulates Jessica Brake on receiving the Joan Gerard Youth award at the World Youth Teams Championship, recently completed in Istanbul. This award is mainly based on good sportsmanship and a friendly attitude.
- The TC has reviewed the Playoff Qualifying Point allocations for 2015 events, and made minor changes. An outline of the PQP allocation criteria will be put on the ABF website.
- The inaugural Pacific Asia Women’s On-Line Bridge Festival completed recently. It is intended to make this a regular event.
- The MC discussed the concept of hosting a future WBF World Championship. The next step is to discuss further with the ABF Council at its next meeting in November.
- The Tournament Committee Chairman, Kim Morrison, has indicated a desire to step down. The MC thanks him for his long and valuable service and will appoint Laurie Kelso, who is an ABF Council member as required by our Constitution, as Acting Chairman until a replacement can be appointed at the 2014 ABF AGM.
- The MC received a report from the Chair of the Governance Committee amended to reflect feedback to date from States & Territories and advice from General Counsel. The recommendations will be presented to the mid term meeting of the ABF Council in November.
Policies & Procedures
- The ABF is formulating child protection policies. Probably we will require all ABF licensed events to ensure that directors and caddies over the age of 18 have “working with children” clearances if any caddies or entrants are under 18.
Web Site
- A “Players” page has been added to the abf.com.au web site, to provide experienced players with faster/easier access to commonly used pages.
- The Management & Professional Liability Insurance, jointly funded by the ABF and States/Territories, is due for renewal. Tony Bemrose Insurance Brokers have been able to obtain a reduced premium with no reduction in cover. The bulk of the reduction will be passed on to states/territories. The policy gives the ABF, state and territory associations and all affiliated clubs cover against claims for any management liability including fraud.
Future Meetings
The MC welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. Next meeting is November 9, 2014.
ABF Management Committee:
Bruce Neill (President), Allison Stralow (Secretary), Roy Nixon (Treasurer),
Dallas Cooper, Simon Hinge
Russel Harms (General Counsel), Keith McDonald (President Emeritus)
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
21 September 2014.