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Committees, Coordinators and Organisers


Committee Chair Member Member Member Member
Board A.Stralow J.Thompson (Secretary) Richard Ward D.Neumann D.Fryda (Executive Director)
Ethics P.Markey M.Bryan S.Hinge C.Page I.Thomson
Finance Rob Ward G.Rusher J.Thompson M.Court  
Governance Richard Ward Rob Ward C.Mulley P.Markey M.Bryan
Technology/My ABF J.Thompson P.Reynolds D.Neumann J.Dudurovic S.Fischer
Tournament P.Reynolds   M.Scudder L.Kelso B.Travis M.McManus
    W.Lazer L. Milne J.Mill P.Rankin
Youth E.Jacob D.Fuller J.Reynolds J.Tomlin M.Gearing 
    M.Dowling W.Jenner-O’Shea R.O’Reilly  J.Reid
    J.Rhodes D.Fryda J.Thompson  
  # Observer        


Committees Terms of Reference

Tournament Committee – August 2021



BBO T.Chira
Gold Point D.Anderson
National Event M.McManus/L.Kelso
Masterpoint Unit D.Anderson
PQP Richard Ward
Web A.Stralow


Tournament Organisers

ANC 2024 Rob Ward
ANC 2025 Julie Jefferies
Summer Festival of Bridge TBA
Playoffs R.Nixon

15. The President shall (e) have the right to attend the meeting of any committee of the ABF.