ABF Board Meeting December 8th, 2023


ABF Board Meeting December 8th, 2023

Major Items and Decisions

The new ABF Board met via Zoom. Following the unanimous support of all States and Territories the amendments to the ABF Constitution came into effect from 7th December 2023. The ABF Executive Director is now a member of the ABF Board and takes on many of the responsibilities of the outgoing ABF Treasurer, Rob Ward. 

The Board thanks Rob for taking on the role of Treasurer in January and for his considered contributions to discussions. Rob will remain as Chair of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, where his skills can be utilised.&


The ABF welcomes John Grosvenor who has been contracted as an Application Developer to maintain and deliver enhancements to the MyABF platform.

ANC 2024 Orange

The programme for the ANC Orange has been finalised. All information on accommodation and events can be found at Australian Bridge Federation (myabf.com.au)


In 2015 Ray Ellaway began his journey as the National Coordinator and Tournament Organiser of the Grand National Open Teams. After many years of successful tournaments, Ray decided that 2023 would be his last year in the role. Thank you to Ray for his attention to detail and dedication to making the GNOT a success. Fraser Rew has agreed to run the 2024 Grand National Open Teams final in Sydney. More information will follow early in 2024. 

Summer Festival of Bridge 2024

Entries for the 2024 Summer Festival of Bridge are approaching similar numbers to 2023.  There is still plenty of time to enter all events via the MyABF website.

Youth Bridge

Agreement has been reached and dates have been set for the ABF sponsored free youth lessons to be conducted by Paul Marston in March 2024. An advertisement was placed in the most recent ABF Newsletter and further details will be posted on the ABF website in due course. All ABF registered players are encouraged to help draft new young bridge players via this initiative.

Feedback & Future Meetings

The Board welcomes feedback and suggestions. The next meeting will be held on 17th February at the Gold Coast. The Annual General Meeting will be held on 24th May, 2024 in Brisbane and an ABF Board Meeting will follow on Monday 27th May.

2023- 2024 ABF Board

Allison Stralow (President), David Fryda, (Executive Director), Chris Mulley (Secretary), Sue Falkingham and Richard Ward

Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary), Phil Markey (Legal Counsel), Michael Bryan (Deputy Legal Counsel)

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