ABF Management Committee Meeting September 8-9, 2018
New ABF Positions
The Management Committee is delighted to announce two new positions.
ABF National Technology Officer
Mark Guthrie has agreed to take on the role of ABF National Technology Officer. Mark will oversee the design, development and implementation of a national technology strategy for 2019-2021.
With over twenty years in IT management and consulting, Mark has worked with both small and large companies including Macquarie Bank, Suncorp, Woolworths, Origin Energy and IBM, and brings real world experience of designing and implementing strategies across all aspects of IT delivery.
Mark is also a keen bridge player, and a member of the North Shore Bridge Club in Sydney. A regular at congresses around NSW, Mark plays most weekends with his wife Julie.
Mark would be pleased to hear thoughts and suggestions on any aspect of the delivery of Technology for bridge in Australia from players and officials by:
Email: NTO@abf.com.au
Phone or SMS: 0423861767
Assistant Tournament Organiser 2019 SFOB
Jane Reynolds has agreed to take on the role of Assistant Tournament Organiser of the Summer Festival of Bridge 2019.
Jane brings a lot of experience to this role. She has been the BAWA Tournament Organiser for the ABF Licensed event the Western Seniors Pairs for 7 years. Jane also gained a good understanding of the running of large events when she worked in 5 star hotels in London where she was involved in the planning of large events including dinners for 40 to 2000 guests.
Jane will work closely with the SFOB Tournament Organiser Roy Nixon, to ensure the success of this tournament.
National Youth Co-ordinators
The Management Committee is also pleased to announce Leigh and Bianca Gold have been offered a renewed contract for a two-year period up to 30 September 2020. We thank Leigh and Bianca for the work they have done thus far.
Updated Marketing page on ABF Website
The ABF Head of Marketing, Peter Cox, has spent a considerable amount of time updating the marketing pages on the ABF website. We thank Peter for his work and encourage you to take a look at the new Marketing web site. https://www.abf.com.au/abf-marketing/
APBF 2020
The ABF has agreed to host the 2020 Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Congress in Perth. Perth was favoured because of its close proximity to Asia and the cost of a venue large enough to run the event. The organisational model will be similar to that of the Summer Festival of Bridge.
Preliminary negotiations are underway to secure a venue and to finalise the dates.
Women’s Team selection review
The review of women’s team selection methods has been in progress for some time. It was undertaken to identify possible changes to the current selection and preparation methods for Australian Women’s Team. A briefing session with interested players was held during the SFOB and the ANC in Hobart.
Following feedback from players the Management Committee has agreed not to make any changes to the current selection process. To assist the 2019 team, a coaching program will be implemented.
Experienced players playing in restricted events
The Management Committee is continuing to look at improving the processes to make restricted events a more level playing field. The Management Committee decided that a player may only receive the subsidy for ANC Restricted Butler on one occasion and will subsequently be made ineligible in future years. Our next goal is to look at the issue of players who play infrequently and win open events but sometimes enter restricted events because they have not accumulated enough masterpoints to make them ineligible.
Save the Date: 25-28 January, Sydney 2019
Information on the Mixed Team Playoff can now be found at:
The event is open to teams of 4 or 6 players playing in mixed partnerships. All players must be financial members of the ABF Masterpoint Scheme and eligible to represent Australia as per the ABF’s Eligibility to represent Australia Policy and comply with the conditions of eligibility set forth in the WBF’s Eligibility Code. There is no PQP requirement.
Feedback & Future Meetings
The Management Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions on the above matters or other subjects. The next MC Meeting is October 28th 2018.
2018- 2020 ABF Management Committee
Allison Stralow (President), Kim Frazer (Secretary), Roy Nixon, (Treasurer), Geoff Chettle (Legal Counsel), Dallas Cooper, Therese Tully, Bruce Neill (President Emeritus)
Jane Rasmussen (Executive Secretary)
13 September 2018
Posted in Latest News on September 13, 2018