8th FISU World University Bridge Championships
A message from Anna Gudge:
I have been asked to send you a reminder about the FISU World University Bridge Championships to be held from 22 to 28 August 2016 in Lodz, Poland. I am told that although the deadline for general entries has passed, the system is still open and it is not too late for teams to sign up to participate in this event.
The specific website for the event can be found at : http://wucbridge2016.com/
Students can participate under the following major conditions:
- being between 17 and 28 years old
- having the nationality of the country being represented
All countries can enter 2 national teams. Teams can be composed of students from different universities. All students must be accepted by the National University Sports Federation (NUSF) of that country. The NUSF may have specific conditions.
The cost of participation and full board accommodation is 65€/day/student. There is also a small participation fee.
Teams can only be entered by the National University Sports Federation (NUSF) of the country, and not by National Bridge Organization. The entry procedure is as follows:
- The “general” FISU form (*) should be entered by NUSF to the local OC before 01/04/2016
- The “quantative” FISU form (*) should be entered by NUSF to the local OC before 01/05/2016
- The “individual” FISU entry form (*) should be entered by NUSF to the local OC before 1/06/2016
If you have any question or problem for registration, please send an email to geert.magerman@telenet.be
With kind regards
Anna Gudge
WBF Communications Manager
Posted in Latest News on April 22, 2016