2015 Australian Seniors’ Playoff
The 2015 Australian Team Seniors’ Playoff has concluded.
The winners were the BROWN team (Terry Brown, Avi Kanetkar, Peter Buchen, Henry Christie, Bill Haughie and Ron Klinger) who defeated KROCHMALIK (Robert Krochmalik, Brian Bedkober, Martin Bloom, Nigel Rosendorff, Jonathan Free and Paul Lavings) 248-130.
There are two places on offer to Australia in the PABF Senior Cup Seniors Teams in Bangkok.
The winners of the Seniors’ Playoff will take one place.
Applications for the other place should be made to the chair of the ABF Tournament Committee before 5pm, AEDT, on Tuesday, March 24. (tournamentchair@abf.com.au). Applications will be ranked on participation and position in the Seniors’ playoff and PQPs. Players should be aware that there will be no subsidies provided to this team.