Home > Marketing > Marketing Updates for Club Administrators > September 2016

Marketing Workshop - Saturday 24 September

A marketing workshop will be conducted at 131 Poath Road, Murrumbeena from 10.30 am - 3.00 pm - facilitated by the ABF National Marketing Officer.

The VBA is generously providing lunch for attendees.

At the workshop you will:

  • hear practical ideas and information you can immediately apply
  • meet and network with other club administrators (and teachers)
  • hear success stories from other clubs
  • pick up new strategies to maximise membership growth;  and
  • get inspired!

Registrations can be made at clachman@vba.asn.au or telephone 9530 9006.

Free promotional material will be provided to interested participants.

National promotion

Just a reminder that this full page promotion will be in this month's issue of Health Times Magazine - which is distributed in the third week of the month.

This magazine is for nurses, widwives and allied health professionals.

Lets hope it generates interest and results in people signing up for beginner classes!

Fingers crossed!

As a matter of interest, one NSW club advised me that following the promotion earlier this year they had 9 nurses sign up for their beginner classes.

Red Plum Automotive Brokering Service

Photograph :  Mazerati Ghibli

"The Summer Festival made me aware of Red Plum, I thought why not? 

Red Plum exceeded all my expectations and delivered a magic deal for me on my car in an amazing customer focussed manner. 

Make sure you use them - you will not be disappointed."

Greg Lewin AM

Let your members know that Red Plum can be contacted at :

T:   07 3252 8865

M:  0410 772 472

Check out their website at www.redplumautomotive.com.au

Workshops - Teacher Accreditation Program

Joan Butts, the ABF National Teaching Coordinator, will be conducting workshops for teachers and points will be awarded towards their ABF Teacher Accreditation.

Bookings can be made at teaching@abf.com.au.

Teacher Training Program (15 points)

QCBC, Brisbane - Saturday 19 November

Continuing Professional Development (10 points)

Topic:  Modern Competitive Bidding

QCBC, Brisbane - Sunday 20 November

Topic:  All about Defence

Peninsula Bridge Club, NSW - Sunday 16 October.

Update - 2017 SFOB

Education Program

Arrangements for the celebrity speaker program have been finalised and we are delighted to announce that workshops will be provided by Hugh Grosvenor, Andrew Mill, Will Jenner-O'Shea and Joan Butts. 

Check out the full program on the SFOB website - click here and look under Education

Key Contacts

Tournament Organiser: 

Roy Nixon at roy.nixon55@gmail.com or 00423 043 220

Partnership Secretary:

Perelle Scales at cperelle51@gmail.com or 0450 961 935

Novice Liaison Officer:

Laura Ginnan at lauraginnan@hotmail.com or 0411 694 248


Don't forget that the "early bird rate" of 20% off at the event venue, the QT Hotel, is available if people book and confirm before Monday 31 October.

More initiatives for 2017

  • Stay tuned for exciting information about a SFOB Summer School!
  • Pianola Plus results service will be available FREE to all players.

Remember :  Remind your members to lodge early (on-line is best).

Television advertising - is it cost effective?

Google research reveals that only 35% of the average paid TV break is actively viewed.  Advertisements are viewed as follows :

1st advertisement - 42%

Middle advertisements - 35%

Last advertisement - 33%.

Advertisers are always looking for ways to tell an interesting story so that viewers will stay tuned.

Television advertising only provides a return on investment for large companies given the poor viewer response.