ABF Summer School - overwhelming response!
Over 1100 novice players from around Australia have registered onto the ABF Summer School.
This free, 10 week, on-line program, which commenced in November, certainly seems to have met a need!
Feedback to date has been extremely positive.
It is not too late for novice players to register. These lessons, conducted by the ABF National Teaching Coordinator, Joan Butts, are a wonderful way to boost the skills and knowledge of newer players and to give them the confidence to enter competitions.
To get your members to register click here - previous lessons can be accessed as well!
1st Marketing Workshop - 2017
The next marketing workshop will be held at the Nambucca Valley Bridge Club at 1.30 pm on Tuesday 24 January.
Committee members and/or teachers from surrounding clubs are welcome to participate. Amongst other things, we will discuss and explore ideas for:
growing your membership base
creating a welcoming and friendly culture at your club; and
developing a strategic approach to your education program.
The workshop will be highly interactive and will run for approximately 3 hours. Free promotional material will be made available at the workshop.
Registrations and enquiries can be made with Richard Levy on 0415 418 645 or at richard_levy@hotmail.com .
Encourage new players to join!
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They have finished their beginner classes and moved into supervised (help with play) sessions and you'd like them to become members.
What can you do?
Some suggestions are:
provide them with a written invitation from the Club President and include the brochure available from the ABF website - click here to access (see Item 19)
provide them with a list of benefits available through your club / State / National sponsors (see Item 18 on the above link for the National sponsors)
encourage them to get involved in super novice/ rookie events to improve their skills and to enjoy more from their sport. To participate, they need to be members
allocate (reduced) masterpoints at your supervised play sessions if you have enough tables; and
get them to register onto the free ABF Summer School. Here they can access 10 free on-line lessons and hands to play - run by our National Teaching Coordinator. To register, click here.
Research shows that to get people to join not-for-profit organistions, it is a good idea to get them actively involved as soon as possible. Offer them volunteer roles in your club - eg flower person / wash the table cloths / deal machine operator / providore etc.
If you have other ideas or suggestions, please share them with me at marketing@abf.com.au .
National membership
According to figures from the ABF Masterpoints Centre, the number of members of affiliated clubs has increased by 9% over the last five years.
As at October 2011 there were 33,548 members and at the end of October 2016 we had grown to 36,633.
The growth rate for each State / Territory during this period was:
South Australia : 25.7%
ACT : 18.85%
Victoria : 11.8%
Tasmania : 10.57%
New South Wales : 6.8%
Queensland : 6.5%
Western Australia : 4.16%
Northern Territory : -11.97%
National sponsor - saving members $$$$s
Red Plum Automotive Brokering Service is a valued National sponsor. Their representatives will be attending the Summer Festival of Bridge on 11-13 January 2017 so feel encouraged to stop at their 'stand'.
During October their top savings for clients included:
BMW 428i Convertible - $14,000
Mercedes-Bens A250 Sport - $10,519
Toyota Prado Kakadu - $10,400
Range Rover Evoque TD4 - $10,100
Hyundai Santa Fe Highlander - $6,000
Mazda 6 Atenza - $5,200
Make sure your members are aware of this free service so they can save $$$s on their next purchase of a new or pre-loved vehicle.
Check out their new website at www.redplumautomotive.com.au .
Remember - happy members make great bridge ambassadors!
Ballina Bridge Club - Christmas promotion
This year Ballina Bridge Club will be making available to its members Christmas Gift Vouchers - for a set of beginner classes. For $60 people will receive 6 lessons, workbooks and morning tea.
These will be made available to members as a gift suggestion for their family, neighbours and/or friends.
In addition, they will be placing two advertisements about their beginner class in the local newspaper (Seniors issue on 30 November and Christmas gift suggestion issue on 6 December). In return, they have been offered a free editorial in each issue.
One of their members has kindly offered to place information about their upcoming beginner classes in the quarterly General Practitioner's paper as well.
Great promotion - good luck!
Australia's first bridge lottery!
Don't forget to let your members know about our bridge lottery where they could win $50,000!
The TBIB National Open Swiss Pairs Championship will be held from 14-15 January and all competitors will be eligible.
Please place the flyer on your club Notice Boards. You can access it by clicking here.
ABF Marketing
Free promotional material for use by clubs can be downloaded from the ABF website.
Simply click here to check out what's available.
Should you have any marketing queries, feedback or suggestions please contact Sandra Mulcahy, the ABF National Marketing Officer, at marketing@abf.com.au or on mobile 0417 920 816.