Welcoming a new member into your club is very important. They are far more likely to talk about their club and promote it to friends and relatives in their first 2 years of membership than at any other time.
A number of clubs provide their new members with information packs.
These could include:
- a welcome letter from the club management committee
- a free name badge
- fridge magnets/stickers
- a membership book
- a yearly program booklet
- information about Pianola (if you use it)
- information about club sponsors (and any membership benefits)
- a club Newsletter; and
- an ABF Newsletter.
The ABF Masterpoints Centre will issue a New Members Information Kit to a new member (or their club if no address provided) via email.
I would suggest that you also consider providing :
- your Club's Code of Conduct and, if you have recorders, the names of your club recorders and an outline of their role (in the unlikely event that they may need to know this)
- a copy of the ABF's membership benefits flyer - which can be accessed here; and
- an Expression of Interest form to volunteer - provide opportunities for people to get involved.
I know of one club in Western Australia where they hold a Sunday luncheon for new members once a year. This is very well received.
It is essential for new players to understand that your club is keen to ensure that they enjoy their playing experience at every session! You may choose to place some of the ABF 'Please be Considerate' posters around your play and teaching areas. These can be accessed here for downloading.