Tips for engaging volunteers in club activities
At its April meeting, the ABF Council endorsed a paper designed to assist clubs in attracting volunteers. Click here to access.
The paper provides information on:
the motivational influences for volunteering
the types of volunteer options available
how involving members in 'volunteering' can improve their engagement with your club; and
recognition strategies.
Whilst small and large clubs will have different needs (as indeed will profit and not-for-profit clubs), Attachment A of the paper provides a comprehensive list of possible volunteer roles and duties.
Support for clubs
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The ABF's National Director Development Officer, John McIlrath, is assisting directors with a number of initiatives.
A 'Director-Development' webpage can now be accessed by clicking here.
A real-time HELP line is available through to John at 1300 SPADES (1300 772 337) from 9.00am - 9.00 pm EST or directors can ring direct on 0437 BRIDGE (0437 274 343).
The Australian Bridge Directors Association will be hosting a Directors Workshop at North Shore Bridge Club, Sydney, on 5-6 August. If interested, please contact the secretary Matt Raj Mal on mdrajmal@gmail.com for more information.
If any of your club directors would like their name included on the National Directory of Tournament Directors, have them send John an email including name, ABF #, club and a brief history of their directing positions and accreditation level to john@johnmcilrath.com.au .
10-11 June, Darwin Bridge Club. Contact Ken Moffitt at km.moffitt@gmail.com for further details.
23 July, Tomaree Bridge Club, Nelson Bay. Contact Amber Noonan at amber333@bigpond.com for more information.
A reminder to all Directors : The new 2017 Laws of Duplicate Bridge come into effect (Australia and New Zealand) as of 1 August 2017.
The following workshops are being conducted as part of the ABF Teacher Accreditation Program.
Teacher Training Workshop (15 points)
Canberra Bridge Club, ACT - Saturday 19 August
Continuing Professional Development Workshop (10 points)
Topic: All about Defence
Melville Bridge Club, WA - Saturday 24 June
Canberra Bridge Club, ACT - Sunday 20 August
Topic: Teaching 2 over 1 Game Force (10 points)
Geelong Bridge Club, Vic - Sunday 21 May
Melville Bridge Club, WA - Sunday 25 June
Orange Bridge Club, NSW - Sunday 2 July
Redlands Bridge Club, QLD - Sunday 30 July
To register, access the registration form here and click on the relevant workshop/s.
Support our international teams!!!
Our Australian teams, open/seniors (2)/womens/ youth and girls, will soon head to Seoul for the Asia-Pacific Bridge Championships (28 May - 7 June). The APBF is the level below the world championships and hosts the world championship qualifiying events for SE Asia teams and also (separately) teams from Oceania.
Please encourage your members to:
It would be wonderful if individual clubs wished our teams every success as well.
Let's get behind our representatives!
Scientific Conference, Poland - Recreation and joy of life in Seniors
The first day of this conference, held on 20-21 April, focused on results of research on how bridge improves the social life of elderly and about preventing dementias (Alzheimer mainly).
Dr Samantha Punch delivered a paper outlining findings from a review of possible interventions into healthy ageing and cognitive stimulation : exploring the links between bridge and dementia. The article can be viewed by clicking here.
Port Macquarie-Hastings Bridge Club - initiatives to 'grow' their membership base
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This club has recently undertaken a membership drive involving two main strategies:
1. An Open Day
The President of the club extended an invitation to approximately 100 local sporting, religious, business and social clubs to attend an Open Day at the club. The invitation outlined the advantages of playing bridge and requested assistance in disseminating the information to their respective memberships. Click here to view (see item 20).
The mailout took place at the end of March and the Open Day was held on 21 April. 22 people visited the club on the Open Day.
The club was also successful in obtaining promotional coverage in the "What's On" sections of local community newspapers (click here to view - check out items 4 and 5) and on the Council's website.
2. U3A - Novice card player lessons
The club has 8 graduates from their novice card-player sessions at U3A who have enrolled for their beginner lessons.
Beginner classes commenced on 28 April with 23 participants!
What next?
The club is considering television advertising. They can get a 30 second commercial made plus a week's airtime on one channel (including several peak night spots) with reach figures of around 75% and frequency of around 3 times for about $3,000. The club reasons that at $4 per playing session, 2 sessions per week for 40 weeks they will generate $3,200 with 10 new members.
A key consideration as to whether the TV gamble is justified will be their ability to restructure and reformat their lessons program which, after attending one of the ABF's marketing seminars and their own anecdotal feedback, is due for revamping.
My thanks to Ian Peterson for keeping me updated on the exciting developments at this club.
A message from one of our sponsors
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Savings are only part of the value of using RPA but knowing you are getting the best priced car in the market is important don't you think? We think so but it is only part of what we do. These are our Top 5 April savings. These savings are indicative of what we can and have achieved for ABF members across the country.
BMW 52od Touring - RRP $120,000- Saving $40,000
Toyota Kluger GXL AWD - RRP $63,000 - Saving $6,000
Range Rover Sport - RRP $143,500 - Saving $12,500
Audi A5 Sportback - RRP $95,500 - Saving $7,500
Jaguar F Pace - RRP $132,500 - Saving $10,000
Most people buy a new or used car approximately every 6 years and we have learnt from talking to members over the years that many of you keep your car even longer. This is where we can help navigate you through the sometimes stressful and time consuming world of buying a car.
If you would like to know more about the benefits of using a car buying service please read our blog at http://www.redplumautomotive.com.au/is-a-car-broker-worth-it-3-reasons-wht/ .
Grant available to improve your club
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James O'Sullivan was a major force in the development of national and international bridge administration in the 1970s and early 1980s. His drive, commitment and skills helped lay the foundations for much of what exists today.
The James O'Sullivan Foundation was established in 1984 to commemorate the late President of the ABF, who served in that office with great distinction from 1971 until his death in 1982. (Further nformation about James O'Sullivan can be viewed at http://www.abf.com.au/about-abf/biographies/james-osullivan/ .
The trustees of this Foundation may grant or lend monies with or without security and with or without interest for such period and on such terms as the Trustees think fit.
If your club would like to upgrade facilities so as to create a better experience for your members, you may wish to apply for a grant. Funding could cover items such as Bridgemates, a Dealing machine, a new kitchen, solar panels etc.
If interested, applications should be lodged in the first instance with the Secretariat of the ABF, attention the Chairman of the JOS Trust.
Email: secretariat@abf.com.au
2018 Summer Festival of Bridge
Please alert your members that the venue for next year will be the Canberra Rex Hotel at 150 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra City. This hotel has been beautifully restored to its former glory, making one of Canberra's prominent landmarks the epitome of classic elegance and style.
Guests can relax and keep fit in their recreation centre with gym and 20 metre indoor pool or stay in one of their spa, steam or sauna suites for the ultimate experience. 24 hour reception and complementary Wi-Fi will keep guests in touch with colleagues, family, friends and event information.
Players who like to stay at the venue are invited to book using our early bird rate of $168 for a king room (including up to 2 breakfasts). Also, there will be nearby free parking for those players with cars both at the Rex itself (limited) and at the adjacent Fenner Hall (over 100 spaces).
Contact details for the Rex Hotel
Ph: 02 6248 5311
Email: reservations@canberrarexhotel.com.au
Recent promotional activities
If possible each club should develop a relationship with their local community newspaper / radio station / TV station.
If they show no interest, send them an article and, if possible, photographs of either an event or significant milestone at your club.
Over the last month, free promotion was obtained by:
Port Macquarie-Hastings Bridge Club - two local newspapers provided coverage of their 'Open Day'; and
the Barrief Reef Congress - newspaper and ABC Radio coverage of the event.
Check out the activity by clicking here.
For advice on how to obtain free promotion please check out the ABF Marketing Tips here.
Remember - please forward all media coverage to marketing@abf.com.au .