ABF Teacher Accredition Program - congratulations to participating clubs
The ABF Teacher Accreditation Program was launched at the Summer Festival of Bridge in 2014. To date, 6 teachers have now achieved their accreditation status.
In honour of their attaining accreditation, Bruce Neill (the ABF President) has now forwarded each teacher's club a Certificate of Achievement in Teaching. This is provided in recognition of a Club's adoption of best practice in both its teaching methodology and materials.
Many more teachers are about to attain accreditation status!
President John Hetherington with teachers Ann Blue and Narelle Kelly - Kiama Bridge Club, New South Wales
Justine Wlodarczyk (Secretary) of the Toowong Bridge Club, Queensland
Jenny Swanson and Jenny Coyle - Maitland Bridge Club, New South Wales
Stuart Packington (Teacher) and Terry Wright (President) of the Randwick Bridge Club, New South Wales.
Peninsula Bridge Club, New South Wales - Vickie Busteed (VP) thanks Cath Whiddon (Director of Education) and her education team for implementing a structured, innovative bridge education program at the Club.
Trish Thatcher (Teacher) of Port Stephens Bridge Club, New South Wales, with Joan Butts (ABF National Teaching Coordinator).
ABF National bridge promotion - August 2015
A full page advertisement will appear in the August issue of the Australian Teacher Magazine. This issues in both hard copy and digital format and has a readership of around 195,000. The August edition will issue on 21 July.
Target audience for the magazine is principals, teachers, educators and decision makers in primary and secondary schools. Published monthly, it is distributed to every primary and secondary school Australia wide (including metropolitan, regional and rural areas).
To capitalise on this promotion, your club could contact local schools around the time of the promotion to let them know when beginner classes commence (and you may choose to start them at a time which would suit teachers).
Start planning now to take full advantage of this National promotion of our sport.
ANC - Esplanade Hotel, Freemantle (July)
If you are attending the ANC in Freemantle please take a few minutes to come meet me as I will be there on 21 - 22 July.
I would love to hear what marketing plans / suggestions / issues you may have and also provide information on what the ABF is doing in regard to marketing activities.
Bridge Down Under - Better Bridge Magazine
I competed in the North American Bridge Championships in Providence, Rhode Island, in November 2015. Whilst there, I was lucky enough to attend a workshop by Audrey Grant (and David Lindop).
What an absolute pleasure to see Audrey in action as a bridge teacher. Her style is extremely impressive and she certainly makes her students feel safe (ie no direct questions etc). She certainly applies the STEAM principles, as espoused and demonstrated by our very own Joan Butts!
Audrey ended up interviewing me for her magazine, Better Bridge. The interview appeared in the January/ February issue. It is exciting to see Australia feature in this prestigeous magazine.
As a matter of interest, the American Contract Bridge League will induct Audrey into their Hall of Fame on 6 August 2015.
Get connected!
The ABF App is a software program your members can download and access directly using their phone or another mobile device (eg a tablet).
They simply need a smartphone or another mobile device with internet access.
Let your members know that they can download it for FREE. It will provide them with quick access to:
the ABF Calendar
ABF Facebook
events; and
the ABF website.
Another fabulous feature, particularly for 'grey army' or travel enthusiasts, is the Find a Club tab. This provides the name, location and contact details for the club nearest to their location. The app includes a map to aid in navigation.
Sharing our successes!
Sharing our success stories is a great way to improve our sport overall by:
raising the overall quality of our 'product'
avoiding duplication of effort or 'reinventing the wheel'
cost savings through increased efficiencies; and
helping to 'grow' membership.
If your Club has implemented a strategy or approach which is making your members happy please share. I am always on the hunt for initiatives which can help Clubs to continually improve their environment and to grow their membership.
I can be contacted on sandra.mulcahy@abf.com.au .