The two advertisements used in last year's national campaigns can be tailored to the needs of your club and made into a poster. They would be great for raising awareness in your local area - eg place them on community notice boards etc.
A poster could also be placed on the wall inside your club. This would help to create your 'brand' with your members.
You can have your club's information placed on either poster. I would caution you, however, not to put too much detail on them as people simply won't read it all. Don't make them cluttered with information!
Consider putting just your club's name, web address and contact number. People can be informed about upcoming dates for beginner classes when they contact the club. This way, the poster/s would not become dated and could be used all year round.
If interested a minimum order for 10 posters can be placed, together with your club details and advice as to whether you want the 'green' or the 'grey' poster, with Ben Trowse at Surge Media on (07) 3137 1171 or at . Note: Postage of up to $15 may apply.
Cost of posters on 150gsm glossy art paper (unlaminated) is:
10 x A1 = $175 (594mm x 841mm)
10 x A2 = $90 (420mm x 594mm)
10 x A3 = $84 (297mm x 420mm)