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Leaflets for Learn to Play Bridge

Our graphic artist, Ange Bettess, has provided a basic flyer and if you provide all the information she will insert it into the leaflet. Ange will email it back to you and all you have to do is print out the flyer in you club. If you do not have a colour printer or want volume printing take it to your local instant print shop.

If changes are required such as State/contacts, numbers/graphics etc please contact marketing@abf.com.au and I will try to tailor something to suit your circumstances.

These are provided as examples for use by our clubs.

  1. PDF File Promotional flyer for seniors week (2011)
  2. PDF File Promotional flyer for a “High Tea” event in Brisbane
  3. PDF File Letter Box Drop Example
  4. PDF File NSWBA flyer
  5. PDF File Gift Certificate
  6. PDF File ABF A4 Promotional Poster
  7. PDF File ABF A3 Promotional Poster
  8. PDF File ABF Flyer (Clubs to stamp their contact details on 2nd page) – Double sided document
  9. ABF Advertisements for print media (simply edit with your club contact details then convert to pdf format to send to newspaper).
  10. PDF File Please be Considerate poster A3 – for placement on club wall/notice board to promote appropriate behaviour amongst members (should be laminated if possible)
  11. PDF File Join an ABF affiliated club flyer A4 – for promotional purposes (beginner classes/ cruises / bridge-in-a-day sessions etc)
  12. PDF File Please be Considerate poster A4 – for placement on club wall/notice board to promote appropriate behaviour amongst members (should be laminated if possible)
  13. PDF File Bridge Etiquette Posters (A4) – To be displayed in club premises or at Regional/National events (should be laminated).
  14. PDF File Bridge Etiquette Posters (A3) – To be displayed in club premises or at Regional/National events (should be laminated).
  15. PDF File Bar-b-que Cards – Members can hand these to interested friends and relatives to inform about upcoming club classes.
  16. Promotional advertisement (National campaign Rotary members February 2015)
  17. Promotional advertisement (National campaign Australian Teachers August 2015)
  18. PDF File Membership benefits poster
  19. Join the Club promotional flyer for potential new members (Note: You need to print these two pages and then copy them double-sided and fold in half.)
  20. Document File Invitation to an Open Day (courtesy of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Bridge Club)
  21. PDF File A4 Poster – We’re playing bridge
  22. PDF File A3 Poster – We’re playing bridge


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